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Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Organisational Power & Politics

Specific Political Strategies for Power Acquisition - Organisational Power & Politics

   Posted On :  19.05.2018 09:37 pm

Organisational members adopt different strategies to acquire power. Durkin suggested strategies listed below help to gain deeper insights into power and politics in the organisations.

Specific Political Strategies for Power Acquisition
Organisational members adopt different strategies to acquire power. Durkin suggested strategies listed below help to gain deeper insights into power and politics in the organisations.
a. Maintain alliance with powerful people
Alliances with members of other important departments or of top management or with boss’s secretary or staff assistant are critical to acquisition of power.
b. Embrace or Demolish
The guiding Machiavellian principle is that senior managers in the taken over firms should be welcomed and encouraged or sacked. To make them powerless it is better to sack them than to downgrade them. If downgraded, they combine and fight back. 

c. Divide and Rule
This is a popular strategy based on the assumption though unwarranted, that persons divided will not themselves form coalition. 

d. Manipulate classified information
Organisational members adept in politics control information so as to gain power.
e. Make a quick showing
Looking good on some project or task right at the beginning is to get the right people’s attention. Once this positive attention is gained, power is acquired to do more difficult and long-range projects. 

f. Collect and Use IOUs
Do favours to others with clear understanding that they should pay in return when asked.
g. Avoid decisive engagement
Also called Fabianism: Be slow, but sure to become entrenched and gain cooperation and trust of others. 

h. Progress one step at a time
One small change can be a foothold for power seeker to use it as a basis to get other major things accomplished.
i. Wait for a crisis
It is based on the assumption things must get worse before they turn better. Crisis conditions bring more resources that facilitate tiding over crisis.
j. Take Counsel with Caution
This relates to how to retain power rather than how to acquire it. For example, prescriptions like participative management and empowerment are to be taken with caution as they erode the power base of managers.

Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Organisational Power & Politics
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