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Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Organisational Structure, Climate And Culture

Organisational Structure, Climate And Culture

   Posted On :  19.05.2018 09:49 pm

The horizontal dimension consists of the various activities or working units created through the process of departmentation and is called the activity structure.

The Horizontal Dimension of Organisational Structure
The horizontal dimension consists of the various activities or working units created through the process of departmentation and is called the activity structure. In a manufacturing enterprise, the activity structure consists of the various tasks or activity spheres.Departments like purchasing, production, R & D, human resources, accounts, marketing and so on are created by that logic..
Departmentation: The concept of departmentation, is one of the important steps in the design of formal structure of an organisation. Departmentation involves a systematic sub-division of activities into individual jobs, the grouping of jobs into work-units and the integration of units into departments. The departments so created have lateral relations to each other. Thus departmentation creates the lateral or horizontal activity structure of the organisation.There are several alternative ways in which organisational activities are grouped into work units. These are called the bases or forms of departmentation. The major bases or forms are: Function, process or equipment, product, customer and geographical area.


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