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Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Organisational Power & Politics

Factors Contributing to Political Behaviour - Organisational Power & Politics

   Posted On :  19.05.2018 09:33 pm

Individual and organisational factors can increases political behaviour and provide favourable outcomes (rewards and averted punishments).

Factors Contributing to Political Behaviour
Individual and organisational factors can increases political behaviour and provide favourable outcomes (rewards and averted punishments).

Individual Factors

High self-monitors being sensitive to social cues and social conformity, are more skillful in political behaviour than low self-monitors. Individuals with internal locus of control (those who believe they can control their environment) are proactive and manipulate situations in their favour. A person having high expectation of increased future benefits will lose if forced out; hence he is more likely to use illegitimate means (extreme political behaviour). More alternative job opportunities a person has, more likely he is to use legitimate means (normal every day politics).

Organisational Factors

1. Resources
Degree of politics, criticality and scarcity of resources in organisation are directly related. Politics surface when the resources are declining and their existing pattern is changing. Infusion of new and unclaimed resources will lead to high political behaviour.
2. Trust
Low trust in organisation results in higher political behaviour, that too illegitimate type.

3. Cultural Factors
Role ambiguity (lack of clarity in role definition), ambiguous decisions and decisions on which there is a lack of agreement and uncertain, long range strategic decision, zero-sum reward allocation practices (one man’s gain is other man’s loss), democratic decision-making, performance evaluation systems and self-seeking senior managers, will be sources of conflicts and thereby high politicking. Higher the pressure on performance employees feel, the greater the likelihood of their resorting to politics.

4. Technology and External Environment
Complex technology and turbulent external environment lead to high political behaviour.
5. Change
Planned organisation change or unplanned change brought about by external environment forces will encourage political behaviour.


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