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Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Organisational Power & Politics

Power Dynamics in Organisations - Organisational Power & Politics

   Posted On :  19.05.2018 09:30 pm

Power dynamics in organisation relate to political realities of power acquisition in organisations and the specific political strategies in power acquisition.

Power Dynamics in Organisations
Power dynamics in organisation relate to political realities of power acquisition in organisations and the specific political strategies in power acquisition.

Political Behaviour

One perspective of political behaviour is, large organisations are like governments in the sense that they are fundamentally political entities. Political behaviour in the organisation refers to those activities not required by one’s formal role definition in the organisation. Political perspective of organisation departs from the classical idealistic, rational organization. Four postulates of power by Walter Nod focus on political realities in the organisation. One, organisations are composed of competing coalitions.
Second, various coalitions seek to protect their interests and positions. Third, unequal power distribution has dehumanizing effect. Fourth, exercising power within organisation.


Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Organisational Power & Politics
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