This theory advocates that leadership is strongly affected by the situation from which a leader emerges and in which he works.
Situational Theory of
This theory advocates that
leadership is strongly affected by the situation from which a leader emerges
and in which he works. It is based on the assumptions that there exists an
interaction between a group and its leader and that people tend to follow the
person (known as leader) who is capable of fulfilling their aspirations. Thus,
leader is a means of achieving the goals of the group and the members. The
leader recognizes the needs of the situation and then acts accordingly.
The focus in the situational
approach to leadership is on observed behavior and not on any hypothetical
inborn or acquired ability or potential for leadership. In other words, the
emphasis is on the behavior of the leaders and their followers and the type of
situation. In other words, a person becomes a leader not only because of his
personal attributes, but also because of various situational factors and the
interactions between the leader and the group members.
Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Leadership
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