Consumers complete a step-by-step process to make purchasing decisions.
The Consumer Decision Process
Consumers complete a step-by-step
process to make purchasing decisions. The length of time and the amount of
effort they devote to a particular purchasing decision depends on the
importance of the desired good or service to the consumer.
Purchases with high levels of
potential social or economic consequences are said to be high-involvement
purchase decisions. Routine purchases that pose little risk to the consumer are
low-involvement decisions. Consumer generally invest more time and effort to
purchase decisions for high-involvement products than to those for
low-involvement products.
For example, a car buyer will probably compare prices, spend time
visiting dealer showrooms, read auto reviews and ask for advice from friends
before making the final decision.
Few buyers invest that much
effort in choosing between two brands of candies. They will still go through
the steps of the consumer decision process but on a more compressed scale.
Purchase decisions can be thought-based (cognitive) or feeling-based (emotive).
While it is true that both cognition and emotion will be present in every
purchase decision, either one of them will dominate the decision. As a result,
we can construct a grid as follows to analyze different consumer purchase
1.5.2 shows the five steps in the consumer decision process.
1.Problem recognition
During the first stage in the
consumer decision making process, the consumer becomes aware of the discrepancy
between the actual state (‘where we are now’ and the ideal state (‘where we
want to be’). Problem recognition motivates the individual to achieve the
desired state of affairs. A marketer can stimulate problem recognition either
by creating a new ideal state or by creating dissatisfaction with the actual
state. 2. Information search
In the second stage, the consumer
gathers information related to his/her attainment of a desired state of
affairs. This search identifies alternative means of problem solution.
High-involvement purchases may elicit extensive information searches, while
low-involvement purchases require little search activity. The search may cover
internal or external sources of information. During internal search, stored
information, feelings and experiences relevant to the problem-solving situation
are recalled from the consumer’s memory. An external search gathers information
from outside sources, which may include family members, associates, store
displays, sales representatives, advertisements and product reviews. The
external search may be a general on-going search or a specific pre-purchase
search. The search identifies alternative brands for consideration and possible
purchase. The number of brands that a consumer actually considers in making a
purchase decision is known as the evoked set. Marketers try to influence
consumer decisions during the search process by providing persuasive
information about their goods or services in a format useful to consumers. 3. Evaluation of alternatives
The third step in the consumer
decision making process is to evaluate the evoked set of options identified
during the search step. The outcome of the evaluation stage is the choice of a
brand or product in the evoked set or possibly a decision to renew the search
for additional alternatives, should all those identified during the initial
search prove unsatisfactory. To complete this analysis, the consumers develop a
set of evaluative criteria to guide the selection. These criteria can either be
objective facts or subjective impressions. Marketers can attempt to influence the outcome from this stage in many ways.
First, they can try to educate consumers about attributes that they view as
important in evaluating a particular class of goods. They can also identify
which evaluative criteria are important to an individual and attempt to show
why a specific brand fulfills those criteria. They can try to induce a customer
to expand his/her evoked set to include the product they are marketing. 4. Purchase Decision and Action
The search and alternative
evaluation stages of the decision process result in the eventual purchase
decision and the act of making the purchase. At this stage, the consumer has
evaluated each alternative in the evoked set based on his/her personal set of
evaluative criteria and narrowed the alternatives down to one. Marketers can
smooth the purchase decision and action by helping consumers through financing,
delivery, installation and so on. 5. Post-Purchase Evaluation
purchase act produces one of two results. Satisfaction
The buyer feels either
satisfaction at the removal of the discrepancy between the actual and the ideal
states or dissatisfaction with the purchase. Consumers are generally satisfied
if purchases meet their expectations. Dissatisfaction
Sometimes, however, consumers
experience some post purchase anxieties, called cognitive dissonance. It is a
perception that one has not made the right decision. The consumer attempts to
reduce this dissonance by searching for additional information that confirms
his/her choice. The marketer can help by providing reassuring information to
the buyer and also by positive marketing communications. Tags : MARKETING MANAGEMENT - Buyer Behaviour
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