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Consumer behavior and implications to marketer - Buyer Behaviour

   Posted On :  18.06.2018 12:15 am

Itchguard represents a classic case of the creation of a new product category.

Consumer behavior and implications to marketer

Here are some specific real-life examples

Needs and wants

Itchguard represents a classic case of the creation of a new product category. The consumer need was always there until this brand arrived and addressed this need exquisitely and exclusively.


While designing the competitive marketing strategy, one question that bothers marketers is ‘Who am I competing with?’
For instance, is Xerox competing with other photocopier makers or computer printer makers or printers? With a positioning as ‘the Document company’ it protects itself from marketing myopia and positions itself to take on competition even from the substitute products. If Style-Spa, the high-end home furniture retailer considers itself as a home expressions company, it invites competition from antique furniture shops. Similarly, Archies, a social expressions company selling cards and gifts, in reality competes with florists! These insights emerge from an understanding of the consumer needs and motives which is central to consumer behaviour. Perception Marketers are concerned about how consumers perceive their products.
For example, brands like Strepsil (with all its colours and flavours), Crocin (with interesting mass media campaigns) can possible confuse the consumers – are they pharmaceutical products? self-help relievers? Are they specialty or common-place products. Consumer perception determines the evoked set for the problem. No brand wants to be categorized with wrong competition in the evoked set! In many markets, orange juice enjoys different perceptions – as a breakfast drink, as a refresher drink, as a health drink and as a health recovery drink. Same product but different consumer perceptions! This understanding is vital for a brand like Tropicana which sells orange juice in different markets. Also the use of celebrity endorsements (as reference groups, opinion leaders) is attributed to its role in consumer behaviour.

The use of cricketers like Sachin Tendulkar and Bollywood stars like Aishwarya Rai in advertisements attempts to shape and influence consumer behaviour in favour of the brands they endorse. Another classic example is the ‘Got milk?’ campaign featuring several celebrities in support of milk as a healthy drink and endorsing its consumption.
Check out for more about this campaign at www.whymilk.com. In Eastern cultures, group values are stressed over the individual’s. So the appeal to normative beliefs takes on greater significance while designing marketing communications in the Eastern cultures.
 Positioning Remember the classic ad campaign for CoffeeBite. It talks about the positioning identities - What am I and Who am I. The Axe Deo campaigns strongly bring out the positioning identity of ‘For whom am I?’. Also the positioning of different supermarkets like FoodWorld, Nilgris, ApnaBazar and Subiksha answer the question ‘For whom am I?’
• Learning A study of consumer learning reveals how consumers generalize related marketing stimuli. Based on this, there are several marketing applications – product-line extension (Pepsi Lemon), product-form extension (Pepsi can), product-category extension (Aquafina), Family branding (Nestle’s Maggi, HP Pavillion), Licensing (Tommy, CK, Disney – in several product categories to several merchandisers), usage situation generalization (an all-hair shampoo).

Consumer Behaviour and strategy development

The study of consumer behaviour is a very exciting field of marketing. Marketing begins and ends with consumers. As a result, the study of consumer behaviour forms the basis for marketing decisions and actions– be it in marketing strategy (as defined by market segmentation, targeting and positioning) formulation or in designing the marketing mix (defined by the 4 Ps of marketing, viz., product, price, place and promotion). The following is a list of questions related to marketing strategy and marketing mix. The answers obviously arise from insights and findings from the study of consumer behaviour. 

Tags : MARKETING MANAGEMENT - Buyer Behaviour
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