Consumer behaviour is a dynamic, multi-disciplinary process. The study of consumer behaviour builds upon an understanding of human behaviour in general.
Models of
Consumer/Buyer Behaviour
Consumer behaviour is a dynamic,
multi-disciplinary process. The study of consumer behaviour builds upon an
understanding of human behaviour in general. In an effort to understand why and
how consumers make buying decisions, marketers borrow extensively from the
sciences of psychology and sociology.
The work of psychologist Kurt
Lewin provides a useful classification scheme for influences on buying
behaviour. Lewin’s proposition is B = f(P,E) which means that behaviour (B) is a
function (f) of the interactions of personal influences (P) and pressures
exerted by outside environmental forces (E).
statement is rewritten to apply to consumer behaviour as B =
f(I,P) (i.e.) consumer behaviour
(B) is a function (f) of the interactions of interpersonal influences (I) such
as culture, role models, friends and family – and personal factors (P) such as
attitudes, learning and perception. Therefore inputs from others and an
individual’s psychological makeup both affect a consumer’s purchasing
behaviour. This model is further explained in the following sections of this
There are many other models of
consumer behaviour. The most generic model of consumer behaviour suggests a
stimulus-response pattern of understanding the consumer’s behaviour (Figure
1.5.1). The stimulus can be marketing stimuli (which can be manipulated by the
marketer) and other external stimuli (like the economy, culture, technology and
so on). The response includes the decision to buy, product choice, dealer choice
and choices regarding time, quantity, etc.
The consumer is at the center of
this model. The stimulus is applied to this consumer who in turn comes up with
a response. The consumer has his/her own characteristics and a multi-staged
decision-making process. There are also several influencing factors acting upon
the consumer. The influencing factors may include personal and interpersonal
Tags : MARKETING MANAGEMENT - Buyer Behaviour
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