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Research Methodology - Observation

Technique, Merits and Demerits of Observation

   Posted On :  26.05.2018 05:57 am

The behaviour observed in observation is natural, whereas in experiment it is not always so.

Technique, Merits and Demerits of Observation

Observation involves few controls than the experiment technique.

1. The behaviour observed in observation is natural, whereas in experiment it is not always so.
2. The behavior observed in experiment is more molecular (of a smaller unit), while one in observation is molar.
3. In observation, fewer subjects are watched for long periods of time in more varied circumstances than in experiment.
4. Training required in observation study is directed more towards sensitizing the observer to the flow of events, whereas training in experiments serves to sharpen the judgment of the subject.
5. In observational study, the behavior observed is more diffused. Observational methods differ from one another along several variables or dimensions.


1. We get original data

2. We get more accurate and reliable data.
3. Satisfactory information can be extracted by the investigator through indirect questions.
4. Data are homogeneous and comparable.
5. Additional information can be gathered.
6. Misinterpretation of questions can be avoided.


1.   It is time consuming and costs more.


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