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STEPS IN ADVERTISING PROGRAMME - Developing Advertising Programme

   Posted On :  19.06.2018 06:16 am

If an organization is spending crores of rupees on advertisement, then as managers we must attempt and be able to measure its effectiveness and delivery to find out whether we are receiving the value for money. However, advertising is only one part of marketing mix and the final delivery in rupees terms would involve the various marketing variables.


Advertising Goals

If an organization is spending crores of rupees on advertisement, then as managers we must attempt and be able to measure its effectiveness and delivery to find out whether we are receiving the value for money. However, advertising is only one part of marketing mix and the final delivery in rupees terms would involve the various marketing variables.
The tragedy of advertising is that if it does not lead to an increase in sales of the product, the entire blame is put on advertising. Hence a clear definition of advertising goals in required. A successful advertising campaign can be compared with a military campaign where goal is set as “ capture the army post No. 11” and the goal is achieved.
Advertising goal can be defined as a clear and concise description of exactly what advertising is intended to accomplish, i.e.,
--  To increase sales,
--  To establish brand equity, and
-- To enter the target market.

Sometimes these objectives are considered as marketing objectives instead of advertising objectives.

Need to set Advertising Objectives


Some of the possible objectives that are stressed are :
1.      Return on Investment ( R.O.I) Advertising involves an investment of funds. Hence, it should produce a measurable return on the said investment in order to assess the desirability and profitability of advertising.
2.      Selection of media. The most effective advertising tool should be chosen in order to get the most profitable result.
3.      Coordination An appropriate co-ordination and integration of marketing and advertising efforts is imperative. Otherwise objectives of advertising are superimposed on objectives of marketing.
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