Role of Media. Media has a vital role in the process of advertising communication. Effective advertising is possible only if suitable media are available.
Introduction of Media Profile For Advertising
Role of Media. Media has a vital
role in the process of advertising communication. Effective advertising is
possible only if suitable media are available.
The appropriateness of media used
vis – a –vis the target audience and their reach are also of crucial
Advertising Message ==> Media Mix ==> Target Audience Result will
reflect on the sales graph of the company <== Maximum Reach
A substantial portion of the advertising
budget allocation to the mass media is spent on buying space and time.
Therefore media decisions assume a considerable importance when financial
implications come to the force.
Media Planning
Advertisement becomes effective
only when it reaches the desired audience. The value of the advertisement is
determined by the number of persons seeing it, reading it and thus becoming
aware of the product or the service.
Media Selection
Each media has a specific
function to perform and its selection depends upon the requirements of the job.
Media can be divided into two categories:
Media -- also
called “above the line” media, e.g.,
newspapers, T.V. Radio, Magazines, etc.
Media- also
called “below the line” media, e.g.,
hoarding, direct mail, point of purchase, etc. These are
also known as reminder media.
Media Planning Process
The steps
involved in media planning are:
(i) Media
planning and buying space is the financial side of advertising.
It interacts with the creative
process to form an important part of the overall marketing process.
Whereas the creative process is a
descriptive process, the media process is one of transforming their description
to the public, i.e., a vehicle of communication.
The primary responsibility of
media practitioners is to ensure that the advertising message is seen, heard,
read or recognized by the target audience. We believe this is a crucial role as
there is no point in having the best advertising if nobody sees the
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