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Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Organisation Structure And Design

Organization Chart - Organisation Structure And Design

   Posted On :  17.05.2018 11:03 pm
Organization Chart - Organisation Structure And Design

Organization structure may be presented in the form of on organization chart that shows all the positions in an organization and their formal relationships to one another.

Organization Chart
Organization structure may be presented in the form of on organization chart that shows all the positions in an organization and their formal relationships to one another. It illustrates an organization’s overall shape and the levels of management in a comprehensible manner. The organization chart of a typical company structured on functional basis is presented in the following chart.

As could be seen in figure, an organization chart shows:
-- The hierarchical structure that is typical of most organizations; 
-- The number of management levels;
--  Scope of authority and status of the individuals as indicated by the location of their position in relation to other positions;
--  How an organisation’s activities are grouped in terms of departments (whether by function, by product, territory and so on);
--   The work being done in each position (indicated by the labels in the boxes);
--   Interaction of people as indicated by the horizontal and vertical lines connecting various positions/ departments;
--   Relationships between superiors and subordinates in terms of who reports to whom, that is, the chain of command;
--   How many subordinates report directly to each manager, that is the span of management;
--   Career progression, and
--   Formal channels of communication (indicated by the connecting lines).
However, an organization chart does not show:
--   Interactions between people who have no official reporting relationships, that is, the informal organization;
--  The ongoing dynamics of workplace behavior; 
--  Personal preferences and coalitions; 
--  Informal communication channels; and
--  Interference by outsiders.
The organization chart of any company, therefore, enables one to understand easily three classical principles of organizing, viz., chain command, unity of command and span of control.


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