Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Decision Making

Barriers in Decision-Making

   Posted On :  17.05.2018 10:47 pm

In addition to the above factors, the various barriers in organization structure also influence the decision-making process.

Barriers in Decision-Making
In addition to the above factors, the various barriers in organization structure also influence the decision-making process. These barriers impede the process of identification of problem, its analysis and the development of the solution. Elbing has identified some of the important barriers that can block managerial effectiveness in choosing the most suitable decision. Some of them are listed below:
1. The tendency to respond to the problem instantaneously without proper information and thinking.

2. The tendency of human-beings to evaluate a given problem with pre-conceived notions acts as a stumbling block in understanding the real situation.

3. The tendency to resist new and innovative solutions. This is known as the love for ‘status-quo’.
Awareness of the above factors will surely help the managers in arriving at pragmatic decisions. The following suggestions can be offered to overcome the above barriers.
4. Avoid premature evaluation.
5. Initiate impartial probing by avoiding personal bias on the outcome.

6. Develop a sound system that can supply adequate information for making decisions.

7. Encourage group leaders to respond to a given situation and compare the pros and cons of the solutions offered by the two groups for making an effective decision.

8. Encourage innovative thinking among the subordinates so as to identify the crux of the problem without waste of time and money.

9. When decisions of critical and pivotal in nature are to be taken, encourage group thinking. For this, the problem is to be presented to the group members first and they are asked to develop as many solutions as possible in a free environment.


Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Decision Making
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