Decisions taken by managers may be classified under various categories depending upon the scope, importance and the impact that they create in the organisation. The following are the different types of decisions:
Type of
Decisions taken by managers may
be classified under various categories depending upon the scope, importance and
the impact that they create in the organisation. The following are the
different types of decisions:
and Non-programmed Decisions
Programmed decisions are normally
repetitive in nature. They are the easiest to make. Usually these decisions are
taken in consultation with the existing policy, rule or procedure which are
already laid down in the organisation. For example: making purchase orders, sanctioning
of different types of leave, increments in salary,
settlement of normal disputes, etc. Managers in dealing with such issues of
routine nature usually follow the established procedures.
On the other hand, non-programmed
decisions are different in that they are non-routine in nature. They are
related to some exceptional situations for which there are no established
methods of handling such things. For example: Issues related to handling a
serious industrial relations problem, declining market share, increasing
competition, problems with the collaborator, growing public hostility towards
the organisation fall in this category. Problems like these have to be handled
in a different way. While different managers reach the same solution in the
case of programmed decision because they are guided by the same policy or
procedure, the solutions may widely differ in the case of non-programmed
decisions. As one moves up in the hierarchy, many of the decisions that
managers make are non-programmed in nature.
It is important to note that the
effectiveness of a manager lies in handling exceptional situations. Such
situations call for ingenuity and sound judgment. Surprisingly, many managers
get bogged down in the routine issues at the cost of the non-routine issues.
The saying that “routine drives out the non-routine” instead of the other way
round is true in many organizations. Such a tendency results in devoting less
time for the important issues.
Operational and Strategic Decisions
Operational or tactical decisions
relate to the present. The primary purpose is to achieve high degree of
efficiency in the company’s ongoing operations. Better working conditions,
effective supervision, prudent use of existing resources, better maintenance of
the equipment, etc., fall in this category. One the other hand, expanding the
scale of operations, entering new markets, changing the product mix, shifting
the manufacturing facility from one place to the other, striking alliances with
other companies, etc., are strategic in nature. Such decisions will have far
reaching impact on the organisation. Usually, operating decisions do not need
intensive deliberations and huge resources and are taken by managers at the
lower levels while strategic decisions require extensive deliberations and huge
resources and are taken by top level managers. The focus in the operational decisions is on the short-run or immediate present, while it is on the
long-rum in the case of strategic decisions.
and Personal Decisions
Decisions taken by managers in
the ordinary course of business in their capacity as managers relating to the
organizational issues are organizational decisions. For example: decisions
regarding introducing a new incentive system, transferring an employee, reallocation
or redeployment of employees etc. are taken by managers to achieve certain
objectives. As against such decisions, managers do take some decisions which
are purely personal in nature. However, their impact may not exactly confine to
their selves and they may affect the organization also. For example: the
manager’s decision to quit the organization, though personal in nature, may
impact for the organization.
and Group Decisions
It is quite common that some
decisions are taken by a manager individually while some decisions are taken
collectively by a group of managers. Individual decisions are taken where the
problem is of routine nature, whereas important and strategic decisions which
have a bearing on many aspects of the organisation are generally taken by a
group. Group decision making is preferred these days because it contributes for
better coordination among the people concerned with the implementation of the
Decisions may also be further
classified under major and minor decisions and simple and complex decisions.
However, a detailed description of these types is not necessary because they
are almost all similar to the already discussed programmed and non-programmed
decisions in respect of importance and impact.
Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Decision Making
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