Civilization will cease without communication. Over the years, the importance of communication has increased tremendously thanks to the advent of various modern devices.
Importance of Communication
Civilization will cease without
communication. Over the years, the importance of communication has increased
tremendously thanks to the advent of various modern devices. The following
points bring out the importance of communication in management.
Running of the Enterprise
Effective communication ensures
the smooth running of an enterprise. Communication plays a vital role in all
kinds of organisations. In the case of complex organisations, effective communication
solves lot of problems. The work of the subordinates depends to a large extent
upon the communication they receive from their superiors. Similarly, successful
completion of the task by the superior depends upon the nature and flow of
communication from the subordinates to the superiors. 2. Quick
Decisions and Implementation
Communication greatly facilitates
decision making. However intelligent the personnel may be, it would be of no
use, if the top management cannot effectively communicate policies and
decisions to them. Effective implementation of decisions depends upon the
nature of communication. It is said that communication acts as a lubricant and
keeps all the individuals working in line with the expectations of top
management. 3. Planning and co-ordination
Communication greatly helps in
planning and co-ordination. Participation in planning is essential in order to
successfully execute it and this is secured by communication. Similarly,
co-ordination between various individuals and activities is brought out by
communication. 4. Maximum Productivity
Maximum output with minimum input is the aim of all
managers; this can be achieved by effective communication. Communication helps
in minimizing costs and friction and maximizing production. 5. Morale Building and Democratic Management
there is an effective system of communication, employees will have the opportunity to present their ideas,
suggestions and complaints. If the grievances are not set right at the early
stage, they will ultimately result in industrial unrest. It is pointed out that
many conflicts arise because of lack of communication or mis-understood
motives. Democratic management is possible only when there is an effective
communication system.
Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Communication
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