Factors which influence dividend decisions
1. Legal constraints
Normally all countries prohibit companies from paying
out as cash dividends any portion of the firm’s legal capital, which is
measured by the par value of equity shares (common stock) Other countries
define legal capital to include not only the par value of the equity shares
(common stock), but also premium paid if any (any-paid in – capital in excess
of par).
These capital impairment restrictions are generally
established to provide a sufficient equity base to protect creditor’s claims.
We shall examine an example to
clarify the differing definitions of capital:
XYZ Limited’s financial highlights as revealed from its latest balance sheet
are as follows:
share at par 1,00,000
Premium paid over par value
(Paid-in capital in excess of par) 2,00,000
Retained earnings 1,40,000
Total shareholders equity
In states where the firm’s legal
capital is defined as the par value of the equity share, the firm could pay out
Rs 3,40,000 (2,00,000+1,40,000) in cash dividends with out impairing its
capital. In other states where the firm’s legal capital includes premium paid
if any (all paid-in capital), the firm could pay out only 1,40,000 in cash
An earnings requirement limiting
the amount of dividends to the sum of the firm’s present and past earnings is
sometimes imposed. In other words the firm cannot pay more in cash dividends
than the sum of its most recent and past-retained earnings. However, the firm
is not prohibited from paying more in dividends than its current earnings.
Thus dividends can be paid only
out of the profits earned during a financial year after providing for
depreciation and after transferring to reserves such percentage of profits as
prescribed by law.
Due to inadequacy or absence of
profits in any year, dividend may be paid out of the accumulated profits of the
previous years.
Dividends cannot be declared for
past years for which the accounts have been closed.
2. Contractual constraints
Often, the firm’s ability to pay cash dividends is
constrained by restrictive provisions in a loan agreement. Generally, these
constraints prohibit the payment of cash dividends until a certain level of
earnings have been achieved, or they may limit dividends to a certain amount or
a percentage of earnings. Constraints on dividends help to protect creditors
from losses due to the firm’s insolvency. The violation of a contractual
constraint is generally grounds for a demand of immediate payment by the funds
3. Internal constraints
The firm’s ability to pay cash
dividends is generally constrained by the amount of excess cash available
rather than the level of retained earnings against which to charge them. Although it
is possible for a firm to borrow funds to pay dividends, lenders are generally
reluctant to make such loans because they produce no tangible or operating
benefits that will help the firm repay the loan. Although the firm may have
high earnings, its ability to pay dividends may be constrained by a low level of
liquid assets. (Cash and marketable securities)
We will take the previous example
to explain this point. In our example, the firm can pay Rs.1,40,000 in
dividends. Suppose that the firm has total liquid assets of Rs.50,000
(Rs.20,000 cash +marketable securities worth Rs.30,000) and Rs.35,000 of this
is needed for operations, the maximum cash dividend the firm can pay is 15,000
(Rs.50,000 – Rs.35,000)
4. Growth
The firm’s financial requirements
are directly related to the anticipated degree of asset expansion. If the firm
is in a growth stage, it may need all its funds to finance capital
expenditures. Firms exhibiting little or no growth may never need replace or
renew assets. A growth firm is likely to have to depend heavily on internal financing
through retained earnings instead of distributing current income as dividends
5. Owner
In establishing a dividend
policy, the firm’s primary concern normally would be to maximise shareholder’s
wealth. One such consideration is then tax status of a firm’s owners. Suppose
that if a firm has a large percentage of wealthy shareholders who are in a high
tax bracket, it may decide to pay out a lower percentage of its earnings to
allow the owners to delay the payments of taxes until they sell the stock.
Of course, when the equity share
is sold, the proceeds are in excess of the original purchase price, the capital
gain will be taxed, possible at a more favorable rate than the one applied to
ordinary income. Lower-income shareholders, however who need dividend income
will prefer a higher payout of earnings.
As of now, the dividend income is
not taxed in the hands of the share holders in India. Instead, for paying out
such dividends to its share holders, the company bears the dividend distribution
6. Market Considerations
The risk-return concept also
applies to the firm’s dividend policy. A firm where the dividends fluctuate
from period to period will be viewed as risky, and investors will require a
high rate of return, which will increase the firm’s cost of capital. So, the
firm’s dividend policy also depends on the market’s probable response to
certain types of policies. Shareholders are believed to value a fixed or
increasing level of dividends as opposed to a fluctuating pattern of dividends.
In other words, the market
consideration is a kind of information content of the dividends. It’s a kind of
signal for the firm to decide its final policy. A stable and continuous
dividend is a positive signal that conveys to the owners that the firm is in
good in health. On the other side, if the firm skips in paying dividend due to
any reason, the shareholders are likely to interpret this as a negative signal.
7. Taxation
The firm’s earnings are taxable
in many countries. This taxation is applied differently in different countries.
One can group these different taxation practices as under:
Single Taxation
The firm’s earnings are taxed
only once at the corporate level. Share holders whether they are individuals or
other firms do not pay taxes on the dividend income. They are exempt from tax.
However the shareholders both individuals and other firms are liable for
capital gains tax. India currently follows this single taxation. Under this,
the firms in India pay 35% tax on their earnings and they will have to pay
additional tax at 12.5% on the after tax profits distributed as dividends to
the shareholders. The experience shows that after the implementation of this
single taxation, Indian firms have started sharing a sizeable portion of their
earnings with their shareholders as dividends
Double taxation
Under this, the shareholders’ earnings are taxed
two times: first the firms’ profit earnings are taxed as corporate tax and then
the shareholders’ dividend earnings out of the after tax profits are taxed as
dividend tax.
Split rate taxation
Under this, the firm’s profits
are divided into retained earnings and dividends for the purpose of taxation. A
higher tax rate is applied to retained earnings and a lower one to earnings
distributed as dividends. As share holders pay tax on dividends and tax on
capital gains, this lower tax rate can be justified. But for a lower tax rate
on the dividend income, the system works on the same lines as that of double
Imputation taxation
The advantage of this system is
that the shareholders are not subjected to double taxation. A firm pays
corporate tax on its earnings. Shareholders pay personal taxes on their
dividends but they will get full or partial tax credit for the tax paid by the firm
on its original earnings. In countries like Australia, the shareholders will
get full tax relief or tax credit while in Canada, only partial relief is