Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Creativity And Innovation


   Posted On :  19.05.2018 11:13 pm

Creativity, in general, may be defined as an “escape from mental stuckness”.

Creativity, in general, may be defined as an “escape from mental stuckness”. In the organizational context, it may be viewed as new insights which points to better ways of dealing with reality. It involves a departure from conventional thinking to non-conventional thinking. It entails establishment of a relationship between the hitherto unrelated things, ideas or concepts. A close examination of many products enables us to understand how apparently unrelated things are related to produce a new product. The ubiquitous wet grinder found in many of the kitchens may be cited as a best example where a relationship is established between the electric motor and the conventional stone used in the Indian homes for grinding purposes since times immemorial. Similar is the case with the electric bulb and the lens that are combined to develop the overhead projector used in the classrooms. The same logic holds good for many products that we see around.


Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Creativity And Innovation
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