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Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Japanese Management Practices

Unique Features of Japanese Management

   Posted On :  19.05.2018 11:02 pm

The Japan management system has three levels of attention: An overall focus, general strategies and specific techniques.

Unique Features of Japanese Management
The Japan management system has three levels of attention: An overall focus, general strategies and specific techniques.


The essence of management in large Japanese organisations is its focus on human resources. Management considers its human resources, more than its financial or physical resources. The Japanese organisations go all out to develop the human resources. Much of the Japanese management revolves around a distinct approach to personal management. Such a focus on the human resources helped the Japanese industry to achieve so much inspite of the poor endowment of the natural resources.


The concern for human resources is manifested in three interrelated strategies. First, employees are offered long-term employment. This demonstrates the organisation’s commitment to its people. Second, the organisation’s philosophy concerning employee needs and the values of cooperation and teamwork are well articulated. Third, close attention is given to hiring new employees who fit well in the organisation and to ensuring that this fit is maintained and enhanced throughout the employee’s work life.
i.  Life time employment
The U.S. view towards employees is that when times are bad, employees are laid off and fired. In Japan, except in the most severe economic circumstances, employees are assured of permanent employment. Usually new employees are hired fresh out of educational institutions. The organisations then train them, make promotions from their internal pool, and emphasises seniority in the allocation of rewards. Long-term employment leads to high employee morale. For the organisation, the benefits are : low employee turnover, low training costs, and high organisational cohesiveness.
ii.  Organisational philosophy
Each Japanese organisation has a specific philosophy that presents a clear picture of its objectives and values. It acts as a super ordinate goal- a shared and unifying goal with which all organisational members can identify, support and place above any one person’s individual goals. A common theme among Japanese companies is a heavy emphasis on cooperation and teamwork. Members of the company are part of a family. The theme spirit and cooperation characteristic of a family are possible with the security provided by the strategy of permanent employment.
iii.  Intensive socialisation
Employees once hired undergo an initial training programme, the purpose of which is to familiarise the employee with the organisation. Over a period, the employee identifies himself with the company. He is socialised very intensively.


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