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MARKETING MANAGEMENT - Product Mix Decisions

Breadth & Depth - Product Mix Decisions

   Posted On :  18.06.2018 09:26 am

Now you have a fair idea on what is a product mix. In product you have to define the structural dimensions of breadth (or width) and depth.

Breadth & Depth

Now you have a fair idea on what is a product mix. In product you have to define the structural dimensions of breadth (or width) and depth. Breadth refers to the number of different product lines. Depth refers to the number of product items within each line. A firm can expand its product mix by increasing the number of product lines or the depth within one or more product lines.
HLL expanded in breadth when it entered the agro-chemical business. It expanded in depth when it bought TOMCO a soaps and detergents company. 
Tags : MARKETING MANAGEMENT - Product Mix Decisions
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