Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - MANAGING DIVERSITY

Reasons for Diversity

   Posted On :  19.05.2018 10:54 pm

Modern organisations are becoming increasingly diverse along many characteristics dimensions.

Reasons for Diversity
Modern organisations are becoming increasingly diverse along many characteristics dimensions. Though several factors contribute for the increasing diversity, let us confine our discussion to the following four important dimensions.
i.  Changing Demographics
Demographic changes at the work place relate to the age, gender, literacy, etc. With the spread of higher education and as many segments of the society which are hitherto outside the reach of higher education, there is also a perceptible shift of people to professional education like Information Technology, Biotechnology, Material sciences, Management and so on. As a result, mobility in the labour market by virtue of opening up of new sectors across the world has becomes the order of the day. Similarly, the proportion of women employees in the workforce is also increasing at a faster rate. Thanks to the spurt of information technology jobs, a large number of young people straight out of college are into making a career at a very early age. Further, due to the spread of non-formal and distance mode of education, even the middle aged people are acquiring necessary academic credentials and joining the workforce. All these demographic changes unheard of 10 – 15 years ago however are largely responsible for increased diversity at work place, of late.
ii.  To gain Competitive Advantage
Unlike in the olden days, modern organizations are going all-out in search of talent. They are casting the net very wide. They are looking beyond the traditional sources, perhaps to infuse new blood in the organisations. In order to groom and encourage diverse thinking and diverse perspectives, which constitute an essential prerequisite for organizational creativity and innovation, many a business, deliberately planning for diversity in the work force. In the present day context, when all the other inputs excepting the human resource are standardized and accessible to every firm, obviously, it’s quality of the human resource that makes a difference. Modern organizations are structured and managed to encourage diversity as divergent thinking/ perspectives of people in the work group setting facilitate and foster creative ideas/solutions that provide the basic ingredients to new product development and exploration of new markets.
iii.  To meet the legal and regulatory requirements
In order to meet the constitutional obligations and for balanced development of people of various denominations and regions, the government makes it obligatory on the part of businesses to address some of the issue related to the employment of people from minorities, weaker sections, physically challenged, backward regions, etc. Therefore, as a part of social responsibility, modern businesses are expected to reach out to these sections which in turn contribute for the diversity.
iv.  Globalisation of Business
Modern organisations are borderless. The size and scope of the operations have enormously increased. Movement of capital, technologies, labour and strategic resources across the nations are taking place in an unprecedented scale. Takeovers, mergers and strategic alliances of the companies located in different parts of the world have become every day’s corporate buzz. As a result, business operations are spread over many markets and nations .As such the need for people familiar with the local culture to man the global operations has also increased. Organisations which open offices and facilities in other countries have to learn to deal with different customs, social norms and mores. Consequently, as employees move from one assignment to other across the global organisations and their outfits in different parts of the world, the work force becomes more and more diverse.


Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - MANAGING DIVERSITY
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