Different types of plans are developed by an organisation, namely mission, strategies and policies, procedures, rules, programmes and budgets.
Types of
Different types of plans are
developed by an organisation, namely mission, strategies and policies,
procedures, rules, programmes and budgets. One common thing is, they all refer
to a future course of action. However, some variances in respect of the scope
and operation are found in the implementation. Some are single-use plans while
some are standing plans. They are discussed below:
Mission or Purpose
Organisations exist in society.
Therefore, it is appropriate to relate their existence to society by satisfying
a particular need of the society. Mission may be defined as “a statement which defines the role that an
organisation plays in the society”. The
terms ‘mission’ or ‘purpose’ are often used
interchangeably. An organisation’s mission statement includes its philosophy
and basic purpose for which it exists. It establishes the values, beliefs, and
guidelines that the organisation holds in high esteem. Mission statement
suggests how an organisation is going to conduct its business. It defines the
basic intentions of the firm. A Clear definition of ‘mission’ or ‘purpose’ is
necessary to formulate meaningful objectives. Answers to two important
questions are provided by the mission statement: what is our business? and what
should it be? These questions force the management to define their customers
and their needs.
Koontz and O’Donnel define policy
as “a general statement of understanding which guides the thinking and
action in decision-making.” Policies provide the framework within which
managers operate. Policies exist at all levels in the organisation. Some may be
major policies affecting the whole organisation, while others may be minor or
derivative policies affecting the functioning of departments or sections within
the departments.
Policies are laid down by the
management for all the important functional areas. As such, we hear about
production policies, financial policies, marketing policies and personnel
policies, to mention a few. For instance, in the personnel area, specific
policies may be formulated for recruitment, training, compensation, etc.
Accordingly whenever the need for recruitment arises, the personnel manager
consults the existing recruitment policy of the company and initiates the steps
necessary to fill the vacancies. Thus it is evident that the personnel manager
operates within the broad policy of the company in recruiting the people. Thus,
policy is a one time standing decision that helps the manager in making
day-to-day decisions in their operational areas.
Policies are subdivided and
stated in terms of procedures – A series of related steps or tasks to be
performed in a sequential way. For example: A company’s policy may be to sell
old stock at a discount. The procedure may explain how to decide which product
is obsolete and what percentage of discount is to be offered. But procedures,
if simple and clear would ensure order in the performance of operations. Though
procedures exist at all levels in an organisation, they are more detailed at
the lower levels. In common parlance, they are called ‘Standard Operating Procedures’ (SOPs).
Procedures for placing orders for
material and equipment, for sanctioning different types of employee’s leave,
for handling grievances at the shop floor level, etc., suggest how each of
these has to be handled. Policies and procedures are closely interrelated. For
instance, a company may follow time-bound promotion policy to promote people
from within. But the operational part of the policy is specified by the
procedure – the formalities to be fulfilled to effect the promotion are
dictated by the procedure.
A rule is also a plan. A rule is
a prescribed course of action that explicitly states what is to be done under a
given set of circumstances. Rules are plans in that they suggest the required
actions. A rule requires that a definite action has to be taken in a particular
way with respect to a situation. Some definiteness is associated with rules.
For example, ‘no smoking’ is a rule. The essence of the rule is that it
reflects a managerial decision that certain actions be taken – or not be taken.
Rules should not be confused with
policies and procedures. Policies contain some operational freedom or
discretion while rules allow no discretion in their application. Similarly,
procedures though different form rules may contain rules regarding the do’s and
don’t’s. For example, there may be a procedure to attend to customer grievances
in respect of post-sale service. The procedure may contain a rule that free
service is available only for a period of two years after the sale. Programs
A programme is a broad term which
includes goals, policies, procedures, rules and steps to be taken in putting a
plan into action. Terry and Franklin define program as “a comprehensive plan that includes future use of different resources in an integrated pattern and
establishes a sequence of required time schedules for each in order to achieve
stated objectives”. Thus, a programme includes objective, policies,
procedures, methods, standards and
budgets. For instance, launching Prithvi satellite is a program “Jawahar Rojgar
Yojana” is a programm. Program may be major or minor. For instance, a company
may embark upon modernization program of the plant and machinery and other
manufacturing systems in a big way. By all means such an effort is a major
program. Similarly, a large organisation may start computerizing all its
activities. On the other hand, modernisation of small equipment in some section
of the factory and computerization of a particular operation in a certain
department may be considered as a minor program. Budgets
A budget is a plan statement for
a given period of time in future expressed in financial or physical units.
Budget contains expected results in numerical terms. A budget is a quantitative
expression of a plan. Organizational budgets vary in scope. Master budget which
contains the consolidated plan of action of the whole enterprise is in a way
the translated version of the overall business plan of the enterprise.
Similarly, production budget represent the plan of the production department.
Again, capital expenditure budget, raw material budget, labour budget, etc. are
a few minor budgets in the production department. One of the advantages of
budgets is they facilitate the comparison of actual results with the planned
ones by providing yardsticks for measuring performance.
Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Planning
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