It is no exaggeration that in the absence of planning events are left to chance. In such a case, you as a manager are depending on luck.
of Planning
It is no exaggeration that in the
absence of planning events are left to chance. In such a case, you as a manager
are depending on luck. You may, as a result, in all probability end up in
frustration. Organizations often fail not because of lack of resources, but
because of poor planning. Whatever the resources you have, in the absences of
systematic planning, the resources may not help you in achieving the
following factors further highlight the importance of planning;
achieve objectives
developing a plan, you have to ask yourself a few questions.
1. Why am I making this plan?
2. What am I trying to accomplish?
3. What resources do I need to execute the plan?
Objectives are the ends sought to be achieved by
the organizations. The above questions, if properly answered provide lot of
clarity to the objectives. In other words, they force you to be clear about the
objectives, the time frame required to achieve them and the resources required.
It forces you to visualize the future in an organized manner. The saying that “when a man doesn’t know what harbour he is making for, no wind is the right wind” is quite appropriate in the case of planning.
Systematic planning, thus, starts with a clear statement of objectives. All the
important inputs necessary to achieve the objectives are carefully thought of.
The uncertainties of the future, if any, are also taken into consideration.
Plans make the things happen
Effective managers anticipate
future and prepare themselves to meet the challenges of the future. They are
rather pro-active. They influence the outcome of the events in a significant
way. In any modern business, the interests of many people are involved. The
shareholders, employees, creditors, consumers and the Government are the major
interest groups in any organization. Further, the interests and expectations of
all these groups are varied and at times are in conflict. That apart, they
constantly change in a dynamic business environment. In the light of the
uncertainties involved in the environment, your job, as a manager, is to
foresee the future and predict the consequences of actions. In other words, you
have to look down the road into future and prepare yourself to meet the
uncertainties ahead. A well thought out plan solves many of the problems
associated with the future. Plans help to cope with change
Organizations are products of
environment. The ability to deal with the environment has enabled many an
organization to survive, despite other weaknesses. Alert managements
continually tune in to the environmental forces. On the other hand, managements
which fail to adapt would eventually fall on the way side. Therefore, in the
managerial job, you have to constantly analyze the impending changes in the
environment and assess their impact on your business. For instance, the
liberalization policies pursued by the government have, of late, brought in too
many changes. Markets are shifting due to increased competition. Pressure on
the existing resources is increasing. Expectations of the employees as well as
the consumers are changing. Product life cycles are becoming shorter due to
rapid technological changes. All these changes exert a tremendous pressure on
the management. Plans double up as tools to control the events
Planning and control are often
described as the ‘Siamese’ twins of
management. When you plan the events, you make them happen in a particular way.
The specific objectives decided in advance themselves become the standards.
Therefore, it goes without saying that plans provide mechanism to know whether
the events are happening in the way expected.
Planning ensures the events to conform to plans.
Thus, if you do not plan (no clear objectives), you do not know what to
control. Control assumes significance in a dynamic environment as of today,
where several forces push you away from reaching the goal. Appropriate control
devices help you to check the course from time to time, so that you will be
able to take the appropriate corrective measures.
Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Planning
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