Now, let us understand the term ‘learning’ and the various processes of learning.
Now, let us understand the term ‘learning’
and the various processes of learning. Learning is any relatively permanent
change in behaviour that occurs as a result of experience. There are two
important elements in learning:
Change must be relatively permanent.
It means after ‘learning’ the behaviour of a person must be different from the
previous behaviour. If a person learns car driving, it will last for a long
time indicating the changed behaviour. Temporary changes may be only reflexive
and fail to represent any learning. Therefore, this requirement rules out
behavioural changes caused by fatigue or other temporary adaptations.
The second element is that the
change of behaviour should take place as a result of some kind of experience.
Learning must be because of some interaction with the environment and some
feedback from such environment that affects behaviour. The experience may be
direct or indirect. Sometimes we learn to change our behaviour when our
colleagues are punished for that kind of behaviour.
You may note that learning itself
cannot be observed. The behavioural changes consequent upon learning only can
be seen. This kind of change in behaviour should be differentiated from change
in behaviour caused by other factors. For example, aging may cause behavioural
changes. A change in the individual’s thought process or attitudes, if
accompanied by no change in behaviour, would not be learning.
Learning certainly has its own
impact on training activities in an organization. It can give insights into how
to best develop the skills and talents of employees for performing the jobs
effectively. But it is the desire to change individuals that is of the greatest
importance. The manager who undertakes to produce such changes acts like a
teacher. He guides the employees to engage in behaviours that will help the
organization achieve its objectives. When the employees are late for work,
lazy, disobey the rules or engage in any type of dysfunctional behaviour, the
manager attempts to teach behaviours of functional nature. Further, if the
employee is performing well, he gives the employee feedback
and also rewards to strengthen such desirable behaviour.
You may understand that
individuals enter an organization with a host of learned attitudes and behaviours.
Their job performance is a function of their learned experiences. Learning is a
continuous experience for employees. It is because of learning, employers
recruit people with college degrees or those with job experience. The employer
presumes that not only education or experience provides learning, but that
learning will lead to higher job performance.
Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Perception And Learning
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