A firm operating in a perfect or ideal capital market conditions, may many times face the following dilemmas with regard to payment of dividends
A firm operating in a perfect or
ideal capital market conditions, may many times face the following dilemmas
with regard to payment of dividends
1. The firm has sufficient cash to pay dividends but such payments may
erode its cash balance
2. The firm does not have enough cash to pay dividends and to meet its
dividend payment needs, the firm may have to issue to new shares
3. The firm does not pay dividends, but shareholders expect and need cash
In the first
case, when the firm pays dividends, shareholders get cash in their hands but the firm’s cash balance
gets reduced. Though the shareholders gain in the form of such dividends, they
lose in the form of their claims on the cash assets of the firm. This can be
viewed as a transfer of wealth of the shareholder from one portfolio to
another. Thus there is no net gain or loss. In a perfect market condition, this
will not affect the value of the firm.
In the second one, the issue of
new shares to finance dividend payments results in two transactions – existing
share holders gets cash in the form of dividends and the new shareholders part
with their cash to the company in exchange for new shares. The existing
shareholders suffer an equal amount of capital loss since the value of their
claim on firm’s assets gets reduced. The new shareholders gain new shares at a
fair price per share. The fair price per share is the share price before the
payment of dividends less dividend per share to the existing shareholders. The
existing shareholders transfer a part of their claim on the firm to the new
shareholders in exchange for cash. Thus there is no gain or loss. Since these
two transactions are fair, the value of the firm will remain unaffected.
In the third scenario, if the
firm does not pay dividend, the shareholder can still create cash to meet his
needs by selling a part or whole of his shares at the market price in the stock
exchange. The shareholder will have lesser number of shares as he has exchanged
a part of his claim on the firm to the new shareholder in exchange for cash.
The net effect is the same once again. The transaction is a fair one as there
is no gain or loss. The value of the firm will remain unaffected. This dividend irrelevance theory
goes by the name Miller – Modigliani (MM) Hypothesis as they have propounded
the same. Miller and Modigliani have put
forward the view that the value of a firm depends solely on its earnings power
and is not influenced by the manner in which its earnings are split between
dividends and retained earnings. This view is expressed as the MM – Dividend
Irrelevance theory and is put forward in their acclaimed 1961 research work – Dividend policy, growth and the valuation of shares – in the Journal of
Business Vol 34 (Oct 1961) In this work, Miller and Modigliani worked out
their argument on the following presumptions:
1. Capital markets are perfect and investors are rational: information is
freely available, transactions are spontaneous, instantaneous, costless;
securities are divisible and no one particular investor can influence market
2. Floatation costs are nil and negligible 3. There are no taxes 4. Investment opportunities and future profits of firms are known and can
be found out with certainty – subsequently Miller and Modigliani have dropped
this presumption 5. Investment and dividend decisions are
independent Thus, the MM hypothesis reveals
that under a perfect market conditions, the dividend policies of a firm are
irrelevant, as they do not affect the value and worth of the firm. It further
unfolds that the value of the firm depends on its earnings and they result from
its investment policy. Therefore, the dividend decision of the firm – whether
to declare dividend or not, whether to distribute the earnings towards
dividends or retained earnings – does not affect the investment decision. M&M contend that the effect
of dividend payments on shareholder wealth is exactly offset by other means of
financing. The dividend plus the “new” stock price after dilution exactly
equals the stock price prior to the dividend distribution. M&M and the total-value
principle ensure that the sum of market value plus current dividends of two
firms identical in all respects other than dividend-payout ratios will be the
same. Investors can “create” any dividend policy they desire by selling shares
when the dividend payout is too low or buying shares when the dividend payout
is excessive Drawbacks of MM Hypothesis
Though the critics of Miller
Modigliani hypothesis agree with the view that the dividends are irrelevant,
they dispute the validity of the findings by questioning the assumptions used
by Miller and Modigliani. According to them, dividends to
matter mainly on account of the uncertain future, the capital market
imperfections and incidence of tax. Uncertain Future
In a word of uncertain future,
the dividends declared by a company based as they are on the judgements of the
management on the future, convey the prediction about the prospects of the
company. A higher dividend payout may suggest that the future of the company,
as judged by the management is very promising. A lower dividend payout thus may
suggest that the future of the company as considered by the management may is
very uncertain. An associated argument is that
dividends reduce uncertainty perceived by the shareholder investors. Hence they
prefer dividends to capital gains. So, shares with higher current dividend
yields, other things being equal, attract a very high price in the market.
However Miller and Modigliani maintain that dividends merely serve as a
substitute for the expected future earnings which really determine the value.
They further argue dividend policy is irrelevant. Uncertainty and Fluctuations
Due to uncertainty share prices
tend to fluctuate, sometimes very widely. When the prices vary, conditions for
conversion of current income into capital value and vice versa may not be
regarded as satisfactory by the investors. Some investors may be reluctant to
sell a portion of their investment in a fluctuating if they wish to enjoy more
current income. Such investors would naturally prefer and value more a higher
dividend pay out. Some investors may be hesitant to buy shares in a fluctuating
market if they wish to get a less current income and therefore they may value
more a lower dividend pay out. Additional Equity at a Lower Price
Miller and Modigliani assume that
a company can sell additional equity at the current market price. However,
companies following the advice and suggestions of investment bankers or
merchant bankers offer additional equity at a price lower than the current
market price. This under pricing practice mostly stems out of market
compulsions. Issue Costs
Miller and Modigliani assumption
is based on the basis that retained earnings or dividend payouts can be
replaced by external financing. This is possible when there is no issue
cost. In the real world where issue costs are very high, the amount of external
financing has to be greater than the amount of dividend retained or paid. Due
to this, when other things are equal, it is advantageous to retain earnings
rather than pay dividends and resort to external finance. Transaction Costs
In the absence of transaction
costs, dividends and capital gains are equal. In such a situation if a
shareholder desires higher current income than the dividends received, he can
sell a portion of his capital equal in value to the additional current income
required. Likewise, if he wishes to enjoy lesser current income than the
dividends paid, he can buy additional shares equal in value to the difference
between dividends received and the current income desired. In a real world,
transaction costs are incurred. Due to this, capital value cannot be converted
into an equal current income and vice versa. Tax Considerations
Miller and Modigliani assume that
the investors exhibit indifference between dividends and capital appreciation.
This may be true when the rate of taxation is the same for dividends received
and capital appreciation enjoyed. In real life, the taxes are different on
dividends and capital appreciation. Tax on capital appreciation is lower than
tax rate on dividends received. Due to this the investors may go in for capital
Tags : Financial Management - DIVIDEND POLICIES
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