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Career Development: Fulfilling a Commitment for Life - Career Development

   Posted On :  13.06.2018 09:26 pm

The primary focus of career is an individual. Each individual in an organization continues to formulate, implement, monitor and fulfill his or her own mission in life through employment.

Career Development: Fulfilling a Commitment for Life
The primary focus of career is an individual. Each individual in an organization continues to formulate, implement, monitor and fulfill his or her own mission in life through employment. In other words, they are engaged in Career Management. The word ‘Career’ means a general lifelong course of action a person chooses to pursue or a sequence of positions occupied by a person during the course of a lifetime. The Oxford Dictionary describes career as a course or progress through life or an occupation or profession engaged in as a life-work and a way of making a livelihood and advancing oneself. To some people, career means advancement, in which case, jobs offering little chance for advancement would not be careers. According to another perspective, careers are equated with certain high status occupations, while lower status occupations are merely jobs.

According to Schein’s description of career-cone, career changes may happen along three basic dimensions namely a vertical movement between different levels, a horizontal movement between different jobs at the same level and a radical movement toward or away from the inner circles of power in an organization. Every person’s career goes alternatively through a period of change, followed by a period of stability before transforming again. A recent idea with regard to careers is known as career security, It enjoins upon people to develop professional or occupational security due to the development of useful skills and competence rather than depending upon organizations for providing them job security.

Career development initiatives should develop people for the long term needs of the organizations and at the same time equip them to meet the dynamic changes that would take place over a period of time. This may involve several steps to be carried out by the employing organizations. First step would be to orient employees on the numerous career opportunities, choices and paths that might be available to them. Subsequently, a detailed assessment of individual’s fitness for different career options would be an essential step. Career mapping based on business plans and futuristic training is to be considered by every manager of human resources.

Career guidance and counseling, Career Workshops, allotment of a variety of challenging tasks, roles and responsibilities based on the interests and capabilities of the employees would follow the assessment as a third step. Training and Development inputs to further enhance the competence of person would have to precede every stage of career progression. Jobs can be designed to range from highly simple to highly complex tasks in terms of use of the employees’ skills. Job enrichment, job enlargement and job rotations are beneficial steps in shaping an individual’s career.

Career Planning is an ongoing process through which an individual sets career goals and identifies the means to achieve them. As a saying goes, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there”. Self-awareness helps keeping one’s career related decisions in harmony with the deep inner values. By suppressing self-awareness, some high achievers suffer from a severe sense of deprivation at the end of their career. An individual could also shape one’s own career by planning for it and reviewing, renewing and adapting the plan during the entire work life. A dependable Career Strategy from an individual’s perspective involves the following steps:

a. Preparing a personal profile based on introspection and psychometric testing such as Vocational Interest tests and personality tests

b. Developing professional goals in the form of a mission statement

c. Analyzing the external and internal environment influencing careers

d. Developing strategic career alternatives based on the analyses

e. Evaluating alternatives and selection of the one that is most attractive 

f. Preparing a set of guidelines and milestones for the career plan as it is set into action.
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