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Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Line And Staff Relationships

Apprehensions of Staff Managers - Line And Staff Relationships

   Posted On :  18.05.2018 12:27 am

Staff managers also have their share of grievances against line managers. They find fault with line managers on the following grounds:

Apprehensions of Staff Managers
Staff managers also have their share of grievances against line managers. They find fault with line managers on the following grounds:
Resistance to New ideas: Staff managers at times may come out with new and novel ideas. Line managers often resist such ideas because new ideas mean that there is something wrong with their present way of working. Thus new ideas are treated as fault-finding devices in their operation. Because line people are reluctant to new ideas, many of the efforts of staff people go waste.
Lack of Proper Use of Staff: Staff people content that line managers do not make proper use of their services and decisions are made without inputs from staff. They are informed after the action has been taken. By virtue of his position, a line manager can accept, amend, or reject the advice of staff irrespective of its quality and practicability. Further, when something goes wrong, staff person from concerned field is made the scapegoat.
Lack of Proper Authority: Staff people feel that they contribute substantially to organizational objectives, at times with no authority whatsoever. Line managers clearly hold most of the cards and enjoy enormous authority. In many cases, consultation of staff is only optional. As a result, staff specialists feel that if they have the best solution to a problem, they should have authority over line managers to force the solution.


Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Line And Staff Relationships
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