The effectiveness of line people depends to a large extent on how they make use of staff.
Achieving Harmony between
Line and Staff
The effectiveness of line people
depends to a large extent on how they make use of staff. Staff people are needed
in the organizations because line people may not able to solve the problems
which require specialized knowledge. For making proper use of staff, following
points are important:
Staff people should be involved
right from the initial stages of planning of an activity rather than when the
problem becomes critical. When they are involved at the level of planning, many
of the problems may not arise.
In order to make proper use of
staff, they should not be kept busy in unimportant work because it does not
serve any meaningful purpose. Instead, they should be assigned critical work in
the area of their specialty.
There should be encouragement and
education to line people as to how to make maximum use of staff effectively.
Line people can not make use of staff unless they know what a specialist can do
for them. At the same time, staff people also have a responsibility to let line
people know how they can contribute for the better performance of line
If line people take some actions
directly affecting staff activities without consulting staff people, they
should be informed immediately about such actions. The information will help in removing
misunderstandings, if any, created in the minds of staff people.
Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Line And Staff Relationships
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