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ADVERTISING AGENCY - Media Profile For Advertising

   Posted On :  19.06.2018 06:47 am

An advertising agency acts as a consultant to the client, the advertiser, in formulating the advertising plans and translating them into an advertising campaign.

An advertising agency acts as a consultant to the client, the advertiser, in formulating the advertising plans and translating them into an advertising campaign.
Another role of the agency is placing the advertisement in the media, since it has a traditional association with the media. The placement aspect has assumed considerable importance owing to media boom and the resultant complexities.
An advertising agency can be defined as an independent organisation of creative business people who develop, prepare and release the advertisements for the sellers seeking to find customers for their goods and services.
In India, there are about 7,000 advertising agencies out of which 700 ad agencies are recognized by the Indian Newspapers Society (INS). INS is a regulatory organisation regulating ad agencies for

 -     National Income Accounting
-   Annual Billing
-   Creditworthiness
The relationship between an advertiser and its advertising agency represents professionalism to the core. At the same time, capability in terms in culture and style of the two parties and the concerned persons is highly facilitatory for a fruitful relationship. Courage and candidness on the part of the agency can contribute much towards getting the client to appreciate the constructive use of a creative approach. It is in the interest of the client to provide the required reassurance to the agency so that communication is inhibited. The selection of an agency by a potential client has a degree of mutuality. A well considered and wise selection can pave the way for a productive relationship.

Functions of Ad Agencies

Ad agency will be in a position to take an objective view of the advertiser’s plan and proposals and thus venture to put forward its opinions and comments.
Creative qualified and trained personnel are required for an advertising agency. It may not be worthwhile for an advertiser to have on its permanent staff all the variety of skill required to produce appropriate advertisements.
An agency provides an opportunity as well as flexibility for various combinations of agency personnel from different departments to form a team to work as per the specific requirements of their varied clients.
Advertising agency has regular contacts with various support systems required for the production of appropriate ad material. A major advantage of an agency is its regular dealing with the media and the expertise in developing advertisements to suit the requirements of its clients.
The ad agency’s skills can also be useful in the preparation of campaigns where the risks involved are high such as in the introduction of new products.

Clients’ Expectations

Account Service: Responsive – prompt - accessible – listens – economical.
Creativity Review: Provide innovative proposals – ideas – visuals.
Production Review: Quality – timeliness – accuracy – economical.
Media Planning: Innovative media strategy – capable of coping with the budget changes – provide media trends update.
Buying Media Space: Explore cost effective alternatives – ability to negotiate attractive terms.
Market Research: Relate existing studies to the specific situation of the client – organize timely and meaningful research.
Retail Advertising and Sales Promotion: Innovative ideas – POP material, creative events – timeliness – economical.
Financial Control: Detailed estimates – accuracy in billing – reasonable rates – mutual trust.
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