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Human Resources Management - Selection And Induction

Types of tests - Selection And Induction

   Posted On :  12.06.2018 10:59 pm

Broadly there are two types of tests viz., 1) Ability tests and 2) Personality tests.

Types of Tests 

Broadly there are two types of tests viz., 1) Ability tests and 2) Personality tests.

Ability Tests


Aptitude Test

Aptitude tests measure ability and skills of the candidate. These tests measure and indicate how well a person would be able to perform after training. Thus aptitude tests are used to predict the future ability. There are two objectives of the aptitude tests. One is to advice youth or job seekers regarding the field where they are likely to succeed. This is called ‘vocational guidance.’ The second is to select best persons for jobs where they may succeed. This is called ‘vocational selection.’ There are specific aptitude tests for mechanical aptitude test, clerical aptitude test, management aptitude test etc.,

Achievement Test

Achievement test measures the person’s potential in a given area or job. In other words, these tests measure what a person can do based on skill or knowledge already acquired.

Intelligence Test

Intelligence tests measure general ability for intellectual performance. The core concept underlying the intelligence test is mental age. It is presumed that with physical age, intelligence also grows. There may be exceptions to this rule. If a five year old child does the test for six years or above, his or her mental age would be determined accordingly. Mental age is generally indexed in terms of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and is calculated using the following formula:

It means that IQ is a ratio of mental age to actual age multiplied by 100.
IQ levels may vary because of culture and exposure. Intelligence testing in industry is based on the assumption that if organization can get bright, alert employees quick at learning, it can train them faster than those who are less endowed.

Judgment Test

These tests are designed to know the ability to apply knowledge in solving a problem.

Personality Tests


Interest Tests

These tests discover a person’s area of interest and find the kind of work that would satisfy him. The most widely used interest test is Kuder Reference Record. It consists of three forms. The first form measures vocational interest such as mechanical, computational, artistic, literary, music and clerical interest. The second form measures vocational interest such as group activities, avoiding conflicts etc. The third form of interest measures preference to particular occupations such as accountants, salesman, managerial position etc.

Personality tests

These tests are also known as ‘personality inventories.’ These tests are designed to measure the dimensions of personality ie., personality traits such as interpersonal competence, dominance, submission, extroversions – introversions, self-confidence, ability to lead and ambition.

Projective tests

These tests are based on pictures or incomplete items. The candidate is asked to narrate or project his own interpretation on these. The way in which the candidate responds, reflects his or her own values, motives, attitude, apprehensions, personality etc. These tests are called projective because they induce the candidate to put him or herself into the situation to project the test situation.

Attitude Tests

These tests are designed to know the candidate’s tendencies towards favouring or otherwise to people, situations, actions and a host of such other things. Test of social responsibility, authoritarianism, study of values, employee morale are the well-known examples of attitude tests.

Advantages of Testing

1. The merits of testing for selection are many.

2. Such tests predict future performance of personnel and for transfer, promotion etc.

3. It is a method of diagnoses of the situation and behaviour.

4. Cost effective - as test administered to a group saves time and cost.
5. Uncovers qualifications and talents, which cannot be detected from application blanks and interviews.

6. Tests serve as unbiased tools of selection process.

7. Tests being quantifiable yield themselves to scientific and statistical analysis.

Developing Test Programme

The main steps are

1. Deciding the objectives – The objectives of the test programme may be hiring, promoting and counseling of people.

2. Analyzing jobs – Jobs are duly analysed to identify as to which human traits and skills are necessary for the job.

3. Choosing tests to measure characteristics – reliability, validity, ease of administration, and the cost involved are important criteria in the choice.

4. Administration of tests.

5. Test results and evaluation.


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