The Chief Architect approach: A single person – the owner or CEO –assumes the role of chief strategist and chief entrepreneur, single handedly shaping most or all of the major pieces of strategy.
are basically four approaches to crafting a strategy
1. The Chief Architect approach: A single person – the
owner or CEO –assumes the role of chief strategist and chief entrepreneur,
single handedly shaping most or all of the major pieces of strategy. This does
not mean that one person is the originator of all the ideas underlying the
resulting strategy or does all the background data gathering and analysis:
there may be much brainstorming with subordinates and considerable analysis by
specific departments.
The chief architect approach to
strategy formation is characteris-tic of companies that have been founded by
the company’s present CEO. Michael Dell at Dell Computer, Steve Case at America
Online, Bill Gates at Microsoft, and Howard Schultz at Starbucks are prominent
examples of corporate CEOs who exert a heavy hand in shaping their company’s
2. The
Delegation Approach: Here the manager in charge delegates big chunks of the
strategy-making task to trusted subordinates, down-the-line managers in charge
of key business units and departments, a high-level task force of knowledgeable
and talented people from many parts of the company, self-directed work teams with authority over a particular process or function, or, more rarely, a team of consultants brought in specifically to help develop new strategic initiatives.
3. The Collaborative or Team Approach: This is a middle approach when by a manager with strategy-making responsibility enlists the as-sistance and advice of key peers and subordinates in hammering out a consensus strategy. Strategy teams often include line and staff manag-ers from different disciplines and departmental units, a few handpicked junior staffers known for their ability to think creatively, and near-re-tirement veterans noted for being keen observers, telling it like it is, and giving sage advice.
Electronic Data Systems conducted a year-long strategy review involving 2,500 of its 55,000 employees and coordinated by a core of 150 managers and staffers from all over the world.
Nokia Group, a Finland-based global leader in wireless telecom-munications, involved 250 employees in a strategy review of how dif-ferent communications technologies were converging, how this would affect the company’s business, and what strategic responses were needed.
4. The Corporate Entrepreneur Approach: In the corporate entre-preneur approach, top management encourages individuals and teams to develop and champion proposals for new product lines and new business ventures. The idea is to unleash the talents and energies of promising corporate entrepreneurs, letting them try out business ideas and pursue new strategic initiatives. Executives serve as judges of which proposals merit support, give company entrepreneurs the needed organizational and budgetary support, and let them run with the ball.
W.L. Gore & Associates, a privately owned company famous for its Gore-Tex waterproofing film, is an avid and highly successful practi-tioner of the corporate intrapreneur approach to strategy making. Gore expects all employees to initiate improvements and to display innova-tiveness.
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