Values are learnt right from the childhood. They are taught by mother when she guides the child in several ways like “you go to bed early”, “you should wear clean clothes”, “you should achieve first rank” and things like that.
of Values
Values are learnt right from the
childhood. They are taught by mother when she guides the child in several ways
like “you go to bed early”, “you should wear clean clothes”, “you should
achieve first rank” and things like that. Early ideas of what is right and
wrong were probably formulated from the views expressed by the parents. As one
grows, there is a likelihood of getting exposed to other value systems and be
induced by them. We derive the values from the people we love or respect like
our parents, teachers, friends, and other famous celebrities in movies, sports,
business, and politics. Out of our admiration for them, we are likely to emulate them by imbibing their
values also.
You may remember that in our
culture itself, certain values have been developed over time and they are
continuously reinforced. Peace, cooperation, harmony, equity, and de¬mocracy
are the desirable societal values nurtured in our culture.
It is interesting to know that
values are relatively stable and enduring. This is because of the way in which
they are originally learned. In childhood, you are told that a certain behavior
is always desirable or always undesirable. You are told, for example, that you
should be honest and truthful. It is this absolute learning of values which
ensures their stability and endurance. You may also note that values of an
individual do change, but change very slowly. The process of questioning our
values may lead to change in the existing values system.
Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Values And Attitudes
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