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Resource Allocation Process - Planning And Resources Allocation

   Posted On :  26.06.2018 11:43 pm
Resource Allocation Process - Planning And Resources Allocation

A framework for the strategic budgeting process is shown in the following chart.

Resource Allocation Process
A framework for the strategic budgeting process is shown in the following chart.

William F. Glueck & Lawrence R. Jauch, Strategic Management .
Top management initiates the process. In large organizations the budget department at the headquarters provides all information to the SBUs and advises them in connection with preparation of budget proposals.

Strategy communication

As the first step in the process, the corporate objectives and strategy are stated along with the environmental and competitive conditions to be communicated to the SBUs (organizational units).

SBU initiative

They in turn draw up preliminary budgets after defining the unit-wise objectives and strategies.


The process involves a series of negotiations among managers at the SBU and corporate levels. For instance, unit manages having defined the objectives and strategy of the unit prepare the premises and forecasts which are sent for approval by the top management.

Preliminary budget

Tentative allocation of resources takes place at the corporate level and budget proposals are called for on that basis. The preliminary budgets indicate changes in the resource requirements as compared with the previous period.

Proposals sent

Based on the preliminary budget units draw up their plans and programmes. And make proposals. The proposals are sent for consideration of the top management by the SBUs.


Only on approval of the proposals the 
Tags : Strategic Management - Strategy Implementation
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