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Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Levels In Management

Managerial Roles - Levels In Management

   Posted On :  17.05.2018 08:31 am

Hennery Mintzberg, a contemporary management thinker has done lot of research on the various roles performed by a manager.

Managerial Roles
Hennery Mintzberg, a contemporary management thinker has done lot of research on the various roles performed by a manager. A role, according to him, “Is an organized set of behaviors belonging to an identifiable office or position.” Just as characters in a play have specific roles, managers also play different roles. Through his studies, Mintzberg identified ten roles that managers play at various times to varying degrees. He classified them under three broad categories; interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decisional roles. Figure 2.3 summaries the ten roles by category with examples of each.
As Mintzberg points out, these roles are not independent of one another. Instead, they are interdependent. The interpersonal roles arise out of the manager’s authority and status in the organization and involve interactions with people. These inter personal roles make the manager a focal point of information, enabling and compelling the manager to assume and play the informational roles as an information processing centre. By playing interpersonal and informational roles, the manager is able to play the decisional roles; allocating resources, resolving conflict, seeking out opportunities for the organization, and negotiation on behalf of the organization. Taken together the ten roles comprise and define the work of the manager, whatever the organizations size and nature of the business.


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