Now, we will examine the various factors in the macro environment and identify the type of impact they make on business organizations.
Macro Environment Analyzed
Now, we will examine the various factors in the
macro environment and identify the type of impact they make on business
Socio -Cultural Environment
The socio cultural environment is one of the key
elements of macro environment. Figure 4-3 lists the key variables in this
environment. Demographics like literacy rates, sex ratios, child birth rates,
age distribution, educational levels life style, geographic distribution,
mobility of the pollution cultural variables like beliefs, values, faiths, religion, customs and
traditions, environment folkways, etc., are part of the social changes in
society may be slow or fast but change is inevitable in any business
environment. Examples in the Indian business environment include -
Growing fast food culture
Women moving from kitchens to corporate
Burgeoning middle class
Increasing literacy levels
Declining birth rates and increasing senior citizens 6. Increasing health consciousness
Socio-cultural factors affect buying preferences,
usage patterns and life style adaptations. Firms, which ignore the socio
cultural environments, tend to loose.
the world’s fastest growing fast food chains extended Indian market with beef
and pork as ingredients in its pizzas and burgers. Since Hindus are religiously
against cow slaughter and do not consume beef and Muslims hate pork these was
great opposition in Bombay and the local shiv sena activities broke down
McDonald’s fast food center at Mumbai. Today the company relaunched its
products with ‘no beef and no pork’ sign boards and even gave wide publicity
that animal fat is not used in its restaurants. Further to Indianise its
products new versions for Indians like Mc. Imli (with tamarind), Mc spic (with
Indian spices) etc are introduced exclusively for Indian market.
Peculiar usage forms include:
Vaporub is used as a mosquito repellent in some tropical countries. Hair dyes
are used for marking animals and washing machines for making Lassi in some
rural areas of Punjab.
Key Social, Cultural and Demographic Variables
1. Childbearing rates
2. Number of specific interest groups
3. Birth and death rates
4. Life expectancy rates
5. Attitude towards work and organization
6. Attitude towards government
7. Attitude towards authority
8. Ethical norms
9. Value system
10. Composition of work force
11. Attitude towards income, savings and capital formation
12. Social ethos towards work and organization
Tags : Strategic Management - Environmental Analysis and Diagnosis
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