General reports often relate popular policy issues mostly related to social issues.
General Reports
General reports often relate
popular policy issues mostly related to social issues. These reports are
generally simple, less technical, good use of tables and charts. Most often
they reflect the journalistic style. Example for this type of report is the “Best
B-Schools Survey in Business Magazines”. The outline of these reports is as
1. Major Findings and their Implications
2. Recommendations for Action
3. Objectives of the Study
4. Method Employed for Collecting Data
5. Results
Writing Styles
There are atleast 3 distinct report writing styles that can be applied
by students of Business Studies. They are called:
1. Conservative
2. Key points
3. Holistic
1. Conservative
Essentially, the conservative
approach takes the best structural elements from essay writing and integrates
these with appropriate report writing tools. Thus, headings are used to
deliberate upon different sections of the answer. In addition, the space is
well utilized by ensuring that each paragraph is distinct (perhaps separated
from other paragraphs by leaving two blank lines in between).
2. Key Point Style
This style utilizes all of the
report writing tools and is thus more overtly ‘report-looking’. Use of
headings, underlining, margins, diagrams and tables are common. Occasionally
reporting might even use indentation and dot points. The important thing to
remember is that the tools should be applied in a way that adds to the
report. The question must be addressed and the tools applied should assist in
doing that. An advantage of this style is the enormous amount of information
that can be delivered relatively quickly.3. Holistic Style
The most complex and unusual of
the styles, holistic report writing aims to answer the question from a thematic
and integrative perspective. This style of report writing requires the
researcher to have a strong understanding of the course and is able to see
which outcomes are being targeted by the question.
Tags : Research Methodology - Types Of Reports: Characteristics Of Good Research Report
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