One way to identify and analyze developments in the external environment is to use the issues priority matrix (Figure 8-1) as follows:
Techniques of Scanning
There are various scanning
techniques used by organizations
1. Issues
Priority matrix
2. Environmental
Threats and opportunities Profile (ETOP)
3. Strategic
advantage profile (SAP)
4. Functional
– area profile and resource deployment matrix
6. The
opportunity and Threat matrices
7. The
Impact Matrix
8. The
Impact scale
9. Gap
10. Balanced
Score card
Issues Priority Matrix (IPM)
One way
to identify and analyze developments in the external environment is to use the
issues priority matrix (Figure 8-1) as follows:
1. Identify a number of likely trends emerging in the
societal and task environments. These are strategic environmental issues –
those important trends that, if they occur, determine what the industry or the
world will look like in the near future.
2. Assess the probability of these trends actually
occurring from low to high.
3. Attempt to ascertain the likely impact (from low to
high) of each of these trends on the corporation being examined.
Figure 8-1s
Issues Priority Matrix
Source: L. L.
Lederman, “Foresight Activities in the U.S.A: Time for a Re-Assessment?” Long – Range Planning (June 1984), p-46.
A corporation’s External Strategic Factors are those key environmental trends that
are judged to have both a medium to high probability of occurrence and a medium
to high probability of impact on the corporation. The issues priority matrix
can then be used to help managers decide which environmental trends should be
merely scanned (low priority) and which should be monitored as strategic
factors (high priority). Those environmental trends judged to be a corporation’s
strategic factors are then categorized as opportunities and threats and are
included in strategy formulation.
Environmental Threats and Opportunities Profile (Etop )
Assessment of the environmental information and
determining the relative significance of threats and opportunities require a
systematic evaluation of the information developed in the course of
environmental analysis.
For this purpose, preparation of a profile of environmental threat and
opportunity (ETOP) is considered to be a useful device.
illustrative profile is given in Figure 8-2 on the basic of environmental
analysis carried out by Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.
Strategic Advantage Profile
A Profile of strategic advantages (SAP) is a
summary statement, which provides an overview of the advantages and
disadvantages in key areas likely to affect future operations of the firm. It
is a tool for making a systematic evaluation of the strategic advantage factors,
which are significant for the company in its environment. The preparation of
such a profile presupposes detailed analysis and diagnosis of the factors in
each of the functional areas (Marketing, Production, Finance and Accounting,
Personnel and Human Resources, R& D). The relevant data for the critical
areas may go as a supplement to the profile. The following Strategic Advantage
Profile relates to a food processing company in India.
Since the Strategic Advantage Profile is a summary statement of
corporate capabilities, in summarizing the func-tional competencies a
comparative view needs to be taken in the light of external conditions and the
time horizon of pro-jections. For example, while comparing the level of
inventory holding, one may find it to be relatively higher than that of
competing firms; as such it should be regarded as a weakness. But if the market
demand shows an increasing trend, apparent weakness should be considered
Functional – area profile and resource deployment matrix.
Developed by Hofer and Schendel, this method requires the preparation of
a matrix of functional areas with characteristics common to each, e.g., focus
of financial outlay, physical resource position, organizational system, and
technological capability. The functional area profile of a manufacturing
company is given by way of illustration. Following this exercise, it is
required that the resource outlay and focus of efforts over time in the
respective functional areas be presented also in the form of a matrix. Figure
8-4 Functional – Area Resource – Deployment Matrix
SWOT is an acronym for the internal Strengths and
Weaknesses of a business and environmental Opportunities and Threats facing
that business. SWOT analysis is a systematic identification of these factors
and the strategy that reflects the best match between them. It is based on the
logic that an effective strategy maximizes a business’s strengths and
opportunities but at the same time minimizes its weaknesses and threats. This
simple assumption, if accurately applied, has powerful implications for
successfully choosing and designing an effective strategy.
An opportunity is a major
favorable situation in the firm’s environment.
Key trends represent one source of opportunity. Identification of a previously
overlooked market segment, changes in competitive or regulatory circumstances,
technological changes, and improved buyer or supplier relationships could
represent opportunities for the firm. Threats
A threat is a major unfavorable situation in the
firm’s environment. It is a key impediment to the firm’s current and / or desired
future position. The entrance of a new competitor, slow market growth,
increased bargaining power of key buyers or supplier, major technologies
change, and changing regulations could represent major threats to a firm’s
future success. The second fundamental focus in SWOT analysis is
identifying key strengths and weakness based on examination of the company
profile. Strengths and weaknesses can be defined as follows: Strengths
A strength is a resource, skill, or other advantage
relative to competitors and the needs of markets a firm serves or anticipates
serving. a strength is a distinctive competence that gives the firm a
comparative advantage in the marketplace. Financial resources, image, market
leadership, and buyer / supplier relations are examples. Weaknesses
A weakness is a limitation (or) deficiency in
resources, skills, and capabilities that seriously impedes effective
performance. Facilities, financial resources, management capabilities,
marketing skills, and brand image could be sources of weaknesses. Sheer size
and level of customer acceptance proved to be key strengths around which IBM
built its successful strategy in the personal computer market. How is it useful?
Understanding the key strengths and weaknesses of
the firm further aids in narrowing the choice of alternatives and selecting a strategy.
Distinct competence and critical weakness are identified in relation to key
determinants of success for different market segments; this provides a useful
framework for making the best strategic choice. SWOT analysis can be used in at least three in
strategic choice decisions. The most common application provides a logical
framework guiding systematic discussions of the business’s situation,
alternative strategies, and ultimately, the choice of strategy. What one
manager sees as an opportunity, another may see as a potential threat. A second application of SWOT analysis is
illustrated in Figure.8-5. Key external opportunities and threats are
systematically compared to internal strengths and weaknesses in a structured
approach. The objective is identification of one of four distinct patterns in
the match between the firm’s internal and external situation. The four cells in
Figure 8-5 represent these patterns. 1. Cell 1 is the most favorable situation; the firm
faces several environmental opportunities and has numerous strengths that
encourage pursuit of such opportunities. This condition suggests growth –
oriented strategies to exploit the favorable match. IBM’s intensive market
development strategy in the personal computer market was the result of a
favorable match between strengths in reputation and resources and the
opportunity for impressive market growth. 2. Cell 2, a firm with key strengths faces an
unfavorable environment. In this situation, strategies would use current
strengths to build long – term opportunities in other
products/ markets. 3. Cell 3 faces impressive market opportunity but is
constrained by several internal weaknesses. Businesses in this predicament are
like the question marks in the BCG matrix. The focus of strategy for such firms
is eliminating internal weaknesses to more effectively pursue market
opportunity. 4. Cell 4 is the least favorable situation, with the
firm facing major environmental threats from a position of relative weakness.
This condition clearly calls for strategies that reduce or redirect involvement
in the products markets examined using SWOT analysis.
SWOT analysis helps resolve one fundamental concern
in selecting a strategy: What will be the principal purpose of the grand
strategy? Is it to take advantage of a strong position or to overcome a weak
one? SWOT analysis provides a means of answering this fundamental question. And
this answer is input to one dimension in a second, more specific tool for
selecting grand strategies: the grand strategy selection matrix. The Opportunity and Threat Matrices
A company, after identifying the threats, can use
judgment to place the threats in any of the four cells shown in Figure 8-6
of Occurrence
For an aluminum plant erratic and high cost of
power can became a threat if the probability of occurrence is high (cell.1).
There is a need to set up captive plant or shifting the plant to another
of Occurrence
A company’s success probability with a particular
opportunity depends on whether to strength (distinctive competence) matches the
success requirement of the industry. Ex: - Entry into LCVs is an attractive opportunity
for TELCO.
The Impact Matrix
The impact of various strategies (opportunities and
threats) is examined with the help of impact matrix. After identifying the
trends in mega, micro and relevant environments the degree of impact can be
measured on an impact scale. The impact matrix can be for a specific business
unit or to overall company Eg. Diversified company.
The Impact Scale
A futuristic orientation and an ability to
synthesize are two critical requirements for strategic decisions. On studying
the environmental issues, the major trends can be identified and examine for
the degree of impact they make on the business. A ‘five point ‘ scale can be
used to assess the ‘degree’ and ‘quality’ of impact of each trend on different
strategies. The scoring pattern can be: + 2 | - | Extremely favorable impact |
+1 | - | Moderately favorable impact |
0 | - | No impact favorable impact |
-1 | - | Moderately unfavorable impact |
-2 | - | Extremely unfavorable impact |
For each trend probabilities of
occurrences can be assigned.Gap Analysis
It is a useful method to describe the process
involved in deciding what course of action should be taken to remove any
potential profit or sales gap or risk gap. Figure 8-9 Gap analysis
1. Profit Gap: Gap between profit for
the past few years and profit projection based on freehand projection, linear
regression coefficient or exponential smoothing. 2. Sales Gap: Gap between
planned & actual sales. 3. Product gap: Difference between what
a firm offers in terms of product items and what the industry provides in terms
of product line. 4. Risk gap: Gap between anticipated risk
with strategic decision and the actual happening. Balanced Score Card
Balanced Scorecard is another useful tool to assess
the internal strength and weakness of a company. This Balanced Scorecard
attempts to examine firm’s strengths and weaknesses from different perspective,
instead of focusing on a narrow set of criteria. This Balanced Scorecard does
not out weigh one perspective and underscores other, rather it balances all of
To generate superior return for shareholders,
company should have competitive advantage that depends upon its ability to
provide certain values to customers. These values can be provided by offering
them better, cheaper and faster products or services. For this company requires
development of operations that supports product development and responsiveness
to fulfill orders. To facilitate quality operations, company needs organization
with required creativity, skill and learning. Thus financial score board is
dependent upon many dimensions which contribute to the strength and success of
the company. It requires to delve deeper to those perspective (beyond financial
perspective) to have balanced insight of the company’s internal analysis. Therefore we consider these four perspectives of
the Balanced Scorecard: financial, Customer, Operations and Organizational.
Source: Alex
Miller and Gregory G. Dess, Strategic Management, McGraw Hill, New York, 1996, Page 117. This balanced scorecard, as a tool of internal
analysis, provides definite advantages to the company. First, it evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of
a company by providing equal and balanced weight to different factors. Second it “reflects the idea of a hierarchy of
intent with elements linked in a series of means – ends relationship” (Alex
Milles and Gregory G. Dess,1996). Third, it
explicitly cites competitive advantage as the core element for the success of a
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