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Financial Management - Finance – An Introduction

Scope of Finance Function

   Posted On :  19.06.2018 09:35 am

The scope of finance function is very wide. While accounting is concerned with the routine type of work, finance function is concerned with financial planning, policy formulation and control.

Scope of Finance Function
The scope of finance function is very wide. While accounting is concerned with the routine type of work, finance function is concerned with financial planning, policy formulation and control. Earnest W. Walker and William are of the opinion that the financial function has always been important in business management. The financial organiastion depends upon the nature of the organization – whether it is a proprietary organsation, a partnership firm or corporate body. The significance of the finance function depends on the nature and size of a business firm. The role of various finance officers must be clearly defined to avoid conflicts and the overlapping of responsibilities. The operational functions of finance include:
            Financial planning
            Deciding the capital structure
            Selection of source of finance
            Selection of pattern of investment

Financial Planning

The first task of a financial manager is to estimate short-term and long-term financial requirements of his business. For this purpose, he will prepare a financial plan for present as well as for future. The estimation of fund is essential to purchase fixed assets as well as for the rotation of working capital. The estimations should be based on sound financial principles so that neither there are inadequate nor excess funds with the concern. The inadequacy of funds will adversely affect the day-to-day operations of the concern whereas excess funds may tempt a management to indulge in extravagant spending or speculative activities.

Deciding Capital Structure

The Capital structure refers to the kind and proportion of different securities for raising funds. After deciding about the quantum of funds required it should be decided which type of securities should be raised. It may be wise to finance fixed assets through long-term debts. Even if gestation period is longer, then share capital may be most suitable. Long-term funds should be raised. It may be wise to finance fixed assets through long-term debts. Even here if gestation period is longer, then share capital may be most suitable. Long-term funds should be employed to finance working capital also, if not wholly then partially. Entirely depending upon overdrafts and cash creditors for meeting working capital needs may not be suitable. A decision about various sources for funds should be linked to the cost of raising funds. If cost of raising funds is very high then such sources may not be useful for long.

Selection of Source of Finance

After preparing a capital structure, an appropriate source of finance is selected. Various sources, from which finance may be raised, include share capital, debentures, financial institutions, commercial banks, public deposits, etc. If finances are needed for short periods then banks, public deposits and financial institutions may be appropriate; on the other hand, if long-term finances are required then share capital and debentures may be useful. If the concern does not want to tie down assets as securities then public deposits may be a suitable source. If management does not want to dilute ownership then debentures should be issued in preference to share.

Selection of Pattern of Investment

When funds have been procured then a decision about investment pattern is to be taken. The selection of an investment pattern is related to the use of funds. A decision will have to be taken as to which assets are to be purchased? The funds will have to be spent first on fixed assets and then an appropriate portion will be retained for Working Capital. The decision-making techniques such as Capital Budgeting, Opportunity Cost Analysis, etc. may be applied in making decisions about capital expenditures. While spending on various assets, the principles of safety, profitability and liquidity should not he ignored. A balance should be struck even in these principles.

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