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Personal Selling - Sales Force Decision

   Posted On :  19.06.2018 07:58 am

This is a promotional tool. It is the oldest and a very lucrative and effective tool of promotion. Here the foot soldiers have the responsibility of promoting the product.

Personal Selling
This is a promotional tool. It is the oldest and a very lucrative and effective tool of promotion. Here the foot soldiers have the responsibility of promoting the product. Sales people form the very important part of a marketing group. According to ‘AMA’ :
Personal selling is oral presentation to a buyer for the purpose of making sales’.
Basically, it is an art to persuade the customer to buy the product. A sales person should have the persuasive power. In addition a good sales person must have a detailed knowledge about four things :
4 . Product
A       sales person should have positive attitude. Personal selling involves personal confrontation, i.e., presentation should be lively. We can make changes according to the feed back and therefore it is a bit flexible tool as compared to advertisement.
In personal selling, some kind of a lasting and social relationship develops. This personal touch can only come in personal selling. Another advantage in the personal selling is that it can be used for consumer as well as for industrial goods.
When Personal selling is required
1.  When the product requires some kind of demonstration.
2.  When the market under consideration is comparatively smaller.
3.  For the specific needs of the customer, i.e., in case industrial goods.
4.   For selling a service, e.g., five star hotels, banking etc., sales people have got an edge.
5.  When you have got an edge.

6.  When you have got big orders.
7.  When confidence is to be built up in the minds of customers.

Objectives of Personal Selling

Personal selling has been defined as the oral presentation to prospective customers of one’s goods and services for the purpose of ultimately making a sale.
All selling processes contain the same basic steps, though the detail of each step and time required to complete it, will vary according to the product that is being sold. For example, a door –to – door sales representative may go through all the steps from prospecting to closing of sale in a matter of ten to fifteen minutes ; in contrast, the selling process for computer or electronic typewriter may take several visits, even years, for getting an order. The selling process is shown below :

Source : Sales Management Concepts, Practices and Cases by Eugene M. Johnson, David L. Kurtz, Eberhard. E. Scheuing, McGrow- Hill Book Company.

Objectives of personal selling can be briefly stated as sales, profits and growth for the organization in a continuum in order to ensure its survival. The following objectives are achieved through personal selling :
1.     To carry out the complete selling job when some elements of the promotion mix are missing.
2.    To serve the existing customers efficiently and effectively.
3.      To look for new perspective customers for new / more orders.


4.    To encourage the existing customers for their co-operation in the promotion of the various products of the company.

5.    To keep the consumers informed time after time about the various changes in aspects of the marketing strategy and the product line of the company.

6.  To provide complete assistance to the customers for selling the product line.

7.    To provide proper assistance and advice to the customers regarding certain complicated products and the products for specific uses.
8.     To assist and advise regarding the training programmes for the sales personnel of the middlemen / dealers.

9.    To help the dealers in their management and related problems.
10.  To collect recent information regarding the market and report this to the company ( Information of company’s use)
The quantitative objectives are assigned for a short term and they keep on changing depending upon the market situation from time to time. They are :
1.    To retain the existing market share and try for increasing it.
2.    To increase the sales volume and hence the profits. It also includes the striking of a proper balance between the different elements of the marketing mix of the different products of the company.

3.    To make attempts to open new accounts and maintain the existing ones properly, effective and efficiency.

4.       To exercise expense management and to keep the expenses within limits.

5.    To achieve the targets and try to exceed them.

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