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Human Resources Management - Workers And Managerial Decisions

Levels of Participation -

   Posted On :  14.06.2018 11:24 pm

The degree of influence that workers are allowed to exercise can be classified into five levels - from the minimum to maximum degree of participation.

Levels of Participation

The degree of influence that workers are allowed to exercise can be classified into five levels - from the minimum to maximum degree of participation. These levels are:

Informative participation

At this level of worker’s participation, information regarding the balance sheet, production targets, new technology introduction etc. is shared with the workers. It is a one-way communication from the management to the workers. The workers have no role to play in organizational management.

Consultative participation

Worker representatives in different forums like working committees and joint management councils are consulted on matters such as employee benefits, employee welfare and work conditions. The recommendations of the worker representatives are given due consideration, but the final decision-making authority rests with the management.

Associative participation

The management is under a moral obligation to accept and implement the unanimous decision of the worker’s council. The workers at this level of participation have a major role to play, when compared with the earlier two stages.

Administrative participation

In administrative participation, the worker’s council is given certain alternatives from which it can select the one it wants to implement. At this level workers enjoy a greater degree of influence than at the previous three levels.

Decision participation

At this level, decisions are taken jointly on matters relating to production and welfare. As the decisions are taken with the mutual consent, both the parties are obliged to abide by them, and the decisions are successfully implemented.


Tags : Human Resources Management - Workers And Managerial Decisions
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