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Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Emerging Trends In Corporate Structure

Informal Organization and Culture - Emerging Trends In Corporate Structure

   Posted On :  18.05.2018 12:46 am

The informal organization consists of the personal relationships and means of communication that are often necessary to accomplishing the work of the organization but are not a part of the formal organization structure.

Informal Organization and Culture
The informal organization consists of the personal relationships and means of communication that are often necessary to accomplishing the work of the organization but are not a part of the formal organization structure. A related concept is the organization cultures the shared beliefs, attitudes and opinions about the company and what it stands for. The informal organization and the organization’s culture are created by people throughout the company rather than being controlled by top management.
Informal organization and culture are important considerations in the overall design of an organization because of their influence on the behavior and performance of employees. In designing or redesigning an organization, management must always take the informal organization and the prevailing culture into account. If the organization’s design clashes with its culture, it is most unlikely that the design will be effective. And where the design specifically attempts to frustrate part of the informal organization, harmful conflict may result.


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