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Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Manager And Environment

Importance of the Environment-Manager And Environment

   Posted On :  17.05.2018 09:24 pm

The need to consider the forces external to the organization was first incorporated into management thought during the late 1950s.

Importance of the Environment
The need to consider the forces external to the organization was first incorporated into management thought during the late 1950s. It was one of the major contributions of the systems approach to management which emphasizes and stresses the need for managers to view their organization as an entity of interrelated parts intertwined with the outside world. In an ever changing business environment as of today, changes in the outside world have made the need to consider the environment more important than ever. As Alvar Elbing states, “the external environment of an organization is a subject of increasing challenge for today’s managers”. Even if changes are not so significant, management would still have to consider the environment because, as an open system, an organization is dependent on the outside world for supplies, energy, workers and customers. As all these effect the organization’s very survival, management must be able not only to identify the factors in its environment but also to cope with them.
In this respect, organizations are similar to biological organisms. According to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, the species that have survived have done so because they were able to evolve and adapt to changes in their environment. Organizations, too, must adapt to changes in their environment in order to survive and be effective.


Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Manager And Environment
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