Channel design refers to those decisions that involve in the development of new marketing channels or modifying the existent ones.
Designing Distribution Channels
Channel design refers to those
decisions that involve in the development of new marketing channels or
modifying the existent ones. The channel design decision can be broken down
into six steps namely: 1.
Recognizing the need for channel design decision 2.
Setting and coordinating distribution objectives 3.
Specify the distribution tasks 4.
Develop alternative channel structures 5.
Evaluate relevant variables 6.
Choose the best channel structure 1.Recognizing
the need for a channel design decision
First and foremost task for the
organization is to recognize the need for a channel design. An organization
would go in for a new channel design for the following reasons namely1. When a
new product or product line is developed, mainly when the existing channels are
not suitable for the new line 2. When the
existing product is targeted to a different target market. This is common when
an organization is used to catering the B2B, plans to enter the consumer market 3. When
there is a change in the marketing mix elements, when an organization reduces
its prices on certain offering the channel worked out will be based on the
price points, they may look in for discounters 4. When
facing major environmental changes namely in economic or technological or in
legal spheres. 5. Finally
when the organization opens up new geographic marketing areas The list by no means is comprehensive, but gives a
picture about some of the most common conditions when channel design decisions
are worked out. 2.Setting and Coordinating Distribution Objectives
Once a need for a design is
recognized the next task for the channel manager is to work out to develop the
channel structure, either form the scratch or by modifying the existing one. It
is necessary for the channel manager to carefully evaluate the firm’s
distribution objectives. In order for the distribution objectives to be
effective and well coordinated the channel manager need to perform three tasks
namely 1. Become familiar with the
objectives and strategies in other marketing mix areas and other relevant
objectives and strategies of the firm. In most cases the person or the group
that sets the objectives of the other marketing mix elements will also set the
objectives for distribution as well. 2. Set the objectives and state them
explicitly. A good objective is one, which is clear, and explicit, and has a
greater role in achieving the firm’s overall objectives. Some examples of a
good distribution objectives are as follows.3. Apple Computers set a
distribution objective to reach more consumers with what it refers to as the ‘Apple
experience’. So, Apple reinvigorated and reestablished relationships with large
retail chains, which it had neglected in recent years .4. In the same way Coca-Cola seeks
to broaden its penetration in schools and college markets, as a result of which
it has entered into contact with many schools and colleges, whereby these
institutions would sell only Coca-Cola products on their campuses. 5. Check
and see if the distribution objectives set are congruent with marketing and
other general objectives and strategies of the firm. This involves verifying if
the distribution objectives do not conflict with the objectives in the other areas
of marketing mix or even to the overall objectives of the company. In order to
cross check, it is essential to examine the interrelationships and hierarchy of
the objectives of the firms. Exhibit 4.9 gives a clear picture of the same
3.Specifying the Distribution Tasks
Once the objectives are
formulated, a number of functions need to be performed in order for the
distribution objectives to be met. The manager therefore has to specify the
nature of the tasks that needs to be carried out in order to meet the objectives. The tasks need to
be precisely stated so that it meets the specified distribution objectives. For
e.g. a manufacturer of a consumer product, say a high quality cricket bats
aimed at serious amateur cricket players would need to specify distribution
tasks such as gathering info on target markets shopping patterns, promote
product availability to the target, maintain inventory, and timely
availability, compile info about the product features, provide hands on
experience using the product, process and fill customers orders, transport the
product, arrange for credit provisions, provide warranty, provide repair and
service, establish product return to make the offering readily available.
Sometimes these functions may appear to be production oriented rather than
distribution tasks, but when we talking about meeting customers, they are
indeed distribution tasks. 4.Developing Possible Alternative Channel Structures
Once the tasks have been
specified by the channel manager he should find out alternate ways of
allocating these tasks. In most cases the channel manager chooses from more
than one channel to reach the consumer effectively. Britannia would sell their
biscuits thorough wholesale food distributor, departmental stores, convenience
stores and even in pharmacies. Whatever may be the channel structure, the
allocation alternatives should be in terms of (a) the number of levels in the
channel (b) the intensity at various levels, and (c) the types of intermediaries. The number of levels can be from
two level upto five levels. The channel manager can think of going for a direct
way of meeting the customers to using two intermediaries as an appropriate way.
Intensity refers to the number of intermediaries at each level. Generally the intensities can be
classified into three categories namely intensive, selective and exclusive.
Intensive saturation means as many outlets as possible are used at each level
of the channel. Selective means that not all possible intermediaries at a
particular level are used. Exclusive refers to a very selective pattern of
distribution. A firm like Parle may use
intensive distribution channel structure, while Rolex may use high degree of
selectivity. The types of intermediaries, third component has to be carefully
dealt. The firms should not overlook new types of intermediaries that have
emerged in recent years particularly the auction firms such as baazee, bid or buy as possible sales outlet
for their products. (A) Activity Would you use exclusive, selecting or intensive distribution for the
following products? 1. Maruti Automobiles 2. MTR Food Products 3. Samsung Electroinics 5.Evaluating
the variables affecting Channel structure
Once the alternative structures
have been outlined, each channel structure has to be evaluated on a number of
variables. There are five basic categories namely, Market variables - marketing management is based on the philosophy of marketing concept, which
stresses on the consumers needs and wants, the managers have to take the cues
from the market. The subcategories that have a greater influence on the market
structure are market geography, market size, market density and market behavior Product variables - some of the most important product variables are bulk and
weight, perishability, unit value, degree of standardization, technical vs.
non-technical and newness. Heavy and bulky products have a high handling and
shipping costs relative to their value. The manufactures of such products have
to keep in mind to ship in large lots to a fewer possible points. It would always be better if the
channel structure remains short. Food products, flowers are considered to be
highly perishable. When products are highly perishable, the channel structure
should be designed to provide rapid delivery from producers to consumers. One
important consideration is lower the unit value of a product, the longer the
channels should be as low unit value leaves small margins for distribution
costs. Exhibit 4.10 explains the
relationship between the degree of standardization and channel length. If the
product flows directly from manufacturer or producer to the user the degree of
customization is more, but as the product becomes more standardized it passes
through many channels. Mostly the B2B machinery has a great degree of
customization as it passes from the manufacturer to the industrial user, while
many consumer market is predominantly a standardized one. When it comes for the technical
component, the industrial products are mostly distributed through direct
channels because of the technical expertise and service while many technical
consumer products do use shorter channel structure. When the product is new and
is in the introductory stage in order to capitalize on the aggressive
promotion, a shorter channel is preferred to gain awareness. Exabit
4.10 Relationship between degree of standardization and channel length
The important variables that
affect a good channel design are size, financial capacity, managerial expertise
and objectives and strategies. Larger the firms in terms of size it enables
them to exercise a substantial amount of power in the channel. The size does
give flexibility for the firm in picking the channel structures. The same hold
true when it comes for the financial capability. Greater capital available with
a firm, less dependency is seen on the intermediaries. When a firm is into industrial
marketing, it prefers to have its own sales force, warehousing, order
processing capabilities and larger firms with good financial backing are better
able to bear the high cost of these facilities. When a firm lacks quality
managerial skills, a comprehensive channel structure ranging from wholesalers
to brokers are needed to perform the distribution activity, once the firm gains
experience it can change or reduce the number of intermediaries. The objectives and strategies a
firm has may limit the use of intermediaries. These strategies may emphasis on
aggressive promotion and may even alter the distribution tasks. Overall this is
one of the prime variables used for evaluating. Intermediary
The important intermediary
variables are availability, costs and services offered. The availability is one
of the key variables as this influences the channel structure. If we take the case of Dell
Computers, due to lack of a proper channel structure he designed a direct mail
order channel, which provided a strong technical backup as well. The cost is
another variable a channel manager considers. If the cost of using a particular
intermediary is too high compared the services it offers the manager may
consider in minimizing the use of intermediaries. The services performed by the
intermediaries is another integral component, a good intermediary is one, which
offers efficient services at the lowest cost. Environmental Variables
The uncontrollable or the macro
environmental forces may affect the different aspects of channel development
and management. Forces like the Socio-cultural, economic, technological, legal
forces have a significant impact on the channel structure. The other variables
are those the organization can work upon or change to the situation but the
environmental forces are those the organization has to cope up with. 6.Choosing the ‘Best’ Channel structure
In deciding the manager should
choose an optimal channel structure that would offer desired level of
effectiveness at the lowest possible cost. Even though there is not one set
method to pick an optimal channel structure, it all depends on the orientation
of the firm. If the goal of the firm were profit maximization, the channel
structure would be in line with the goal. Most channel choices are still
however made on the basis of managerial judgment and the data that is
available. Tags : MARKETING MANAGEMENT - Structure and Design of Marketing Channels
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