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Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Organisational Change

Change Process - Organisational Change

   Posted On :  19.05.2018 10:29 pm

Since management initiates more changes in the organization, its primary responsibility is to implement change successfully.

Change Process
Since management initiates more changes in the organization, its primary responsibility is to implement change successfully. Management is called a change agent because its role is to initiate change and make it work. Many changes also originate in external environment. Rate of change varies according to nature of environment. Stable environment means less change. Dynamic environment means more change.
Kurt Lewin, the father of change process, stated three stages in initiating and establishing any change unfreezing, changing and refreezing.
Unfreezing: It is a process of preparation for change through disconcontinuation of the old practice, attitudes, or behaviours. This is the initial stage where change agents sense need for something new and are impatient with status quo. Thus the system is to be unfrozen from its complacency.
Changing (or moving): In this stage planned change is initiated and carried out. Change could relate to any aspect of the organization. With the participation of members affected by change, changes have to be carefully implemented.
Refreezing: This phase ensures that the planned change introduced is working satisfactorily and there is a reasonable guarantee that the change will indeed fill the gap and bring the system to the desired state of equilibrium. If the refreezing phase is neglected, the change will not bring desired result and may be even total disaster.


Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Organisational Change
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