Calculation Of Funds From Operations For The Year 2011-12
Calculation Of Funds From Operations For The Year 2011-12
Note: provision for income-tax and proposed dividend are taken as current liabilities. Hence they are not added here. They will be taken to schedule of
Changes in working capital.
Ii. Fixed Assets: from a perusal of schedule relating to `fixed assets’ in the annual report, it is ascertained that there was a sale of
fixed assets amounting to rs.16,62,000 and purchase of fixed assets to the tune of rs.38,54,000. These will be shown as source and application of funds respectively. (in examination problems information about, sale and purchase of assets can be ascertained by preparing respective asset accounts).
Iii. Investments:
A similar perusal of schedule relating to `investments’ gives information that there was a redemption of investment amounting to rs.5,000 which is a source of fund.
Now the schedule of changes in working capital and funds flow
Statement are prepared.
Tags : Accounting For Managers - Funds Flow Analysis And Cash Flow Analysis
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