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Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Benchmarking

Benchmarking Process and Steps for Benchmarking Model

   Posted On :  19.05.2018 11:53 pm

Specific steps in benchmarking vary from company to company but the fundamental or basic approach is the same.

Benchmarking Process

Specific steps in benchmarking vary from company to company but the fundamental or basic approach is the same. One company’s benchmarking may not work at another organization because of differences in their operating concerns. Successful benchmarking reflects the culture of the organization, works within the existing infrastructure and is harmonious with the leadership philosophy.

The Seven Step Benchmarking Model

Benchmarking is an ongoing process that requires data gathering, goal setting and analysis. These are accomplished by a seven step model. The seven steps are:
Step 1: Identify what to benchmark
Step 2: Determine what to measure
Step 3: Identify who to benchmark
Step 4: Collect the data
Step 5: Analyze data and determine the gap
Step 6: Set goals and develop action plan and
Step 7: Monitor the process.
Factors to be kept in mind to ensure success with benchmarking:
--   Benchmarking must have the full support of senior management. Management should also be actively involved.
--    Training is critical for the benchmarking team and process.
--   Benchmarking should be a team activity. The team should include management, experts, consultants and especially those people directly involved in the process.
--    Benchmarking is an ongoing process. It must be part of an organization’s strategy and development. If well monitored, it serves as an important segment of a total quality management system.
--   Benchmarking efforts must be organized, planned and carefully managed. It is a structured approach and requires planning and monitoring just like any other management tool.
On the whole, benchmarking can be used as an effective weapon against organizational complacency. Used correctly, benchmarking can lead you to the competitive edge in today’s market place.


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