The concept of benchmarking is not new. In the early 1800s, Francis Lowell, a New England industrialist traveled to England to study manufacturing techniques at the best British factories.
of the concept of Benchmarking
The concept of benchmarking is
not new. In the early 1800s, Francis Lowell, a New England industrialist
traveled to England to study manufacturing techniques at the best British
factories. Henry Ford created the assembly line after taking tour of a Chicago
slaughterhouse and watching carcasses hung on hooks mounted on a monorail move
from one workstation to another. Toyota’s just-in-time production system was
influenced by the replenishment practices of U.S. supermarkets. Modern
benchmarking was initiated by Xerox (in the 1980s), an eventual winner of the
Malcolm Balridge National Quality Award for quality. IBM, Motorola and Xerox
became the pioneers in instituting the benchmarking processes. Xerox initially
studied their direct competitors and discovered that:
-- their unit manufacturing cost equalled the Japanese selling price
in the United States.
-- the number of production suppliers was nine times that of the best
-- assembly line rejects were 10
times higher.
-- product lead times were twice as
long, and
-- defects per hundred machines were
seven times higher.
These results helped them to understand the amount of change that would
be required to set targets to all the functional areas of the business.
Advantages of Benchmarking
-- Benchmarking promotes a thorough understanding
of the company’s own process i.e., the company’s current profile (strengths and
weaknesses) is well understood.
-- Benchmarking process involves imitation and
adaptation of the practices of superior competitors, rather than invention,
thereby saving time and money for the company practicing benchmarking.
-- Intensive studies of existing practices often
lead to identification of non-value-added activities and plans for process
-- Benchmarking
enables comparison of performance measures in different dimensions, each with best practices for
that particular measure. It involves comparison with several companies who are
best for the chosen measure. (Some common performance measures are return on
assets, cycle time, percentage of on-time delivery, proportion of defects,
percentage of damaged goods and time spent on administrative functions).
-- Benchmarking focuses on performance measures
and processes and not on products. Thus, it is not restricted to the industry
to which the company belongs. It extends beyond these boundaries and identifies
organizations in other industries that are superior with respect to chosen
-- Benchmarking allows organizations to set
realistic, rigorous new performance targets and this process helps convince
people of the credibility of these targets.
-- Benchmarking allows organizations to define
specific gaps in performance and to select the processes to improve. It enables
the company to redesign its products and services to achieve outcomes that meet
or exceed customer expectations.
-- Benchmarking provides a basis for
training human resources.
Limitations of Benchmarking
-- The primary limitation or weakness of
benchmarking is the fact that best-in-class performance is not a static but a
moving target.
-- Benchmarking is not a panacea that can
replace all other quality efforts or management processes that can improve the
competitive advantage of a company.
-- Benchmarking is not an “instant
Pitfalls of benchmarking
-- The potential pitfalls of
benchmarking could be overcome by:
-- Involving the employees who will ultimately
use the information and improve the process (participation can lead to
-- Relating process improvement to strategy and
competitive positioning.
-- Defining the firm’s own process before
gathering data for the purpose of comparison.
-- Perceiving benchmarking as an ongoing process
and not as a one-time project with a finite start and completion dates.
-- Expanding the scope of the companies studied
instead of confining to one’s own areas, industry or to direct competitors,
which is a narrow approach in identifying excellent performance that are
appropriate to one’s own processes.
-- Perceiving benchmarking as a means to process
improvement, rather than an end in itself.
-- Setting goals for closing the gap between the
existing performance (what is) and the benchmark (what can be).
-- Empowering employees to achieve improvements that they identify
and for which they solve problems and develop action plans. Approaches of Benchmarking
To compare one’s business
practices with those of other organizations, four common approaches to
benchmarking are adopted. They are: -- Internal benchmarking , -- Competitive benchmarking, -- Non-competitive benchmarking,
and -- World-class
benchmarking. Internal benchmarking is done within one’s organization or perhaps in conjunction with another
division or branch office. Internal benchmarking is the easiest to conduct
since data and information should be readily available and confidentiality
concerns are minimized. Competitive benchmarking involves analyzing the performance and practices of
best-in-class companies. Their performance becomes a benchmark to which a firm
can compare its own performance and their practices are used to improve that
firm’s practices. However benchmarking the competition could be difficult since
it might be impossible to collect or learn a competitor’s secrets. This type of
information can often be obtained through a confidential survey of all
competitors, usually conducted by a third party, quite often by a consulting
firm. Non-competitive benchmarking is learning something about a process a company wants to improve
by benchmarking: -- a related process in the industry with another firm, the company
does not directly compete with, -- a related process in a different industry, and -- an unrelated
process in a different industry. An advantage of this type of
benchmarking is that new processes which could easily be adapted to one’s
organization might be discovered. World-class benchmarking: This approach to benchmarking is the most ambitious. It involves
looking towards the recognized leader for the process being benchmarked – an
organization that does it better than any other.
Tags : Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour - Benchmarking
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