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Human Resources Management - Human Resource Planning

Introduction of Human Resource Planning

   Posted On :  12.06.2018 07:25 am

Though human resource means different things to different people, general agreement exists on its ultimate objectives - the most effective use of the scarce talent in the interests of the labour and the organization.

Introduction of Human Resource Planning

Though human resource means different things to different people, general agreement exists on its ultimate objectives - the most effective use of the scarce talent in the interests of the labour and the organization.
According to Geisler, “Manpower planning (HRP) is the process – including forecasting, developing, implementing and controlling, by which a firm ensures that it has the right number of people and right kind of people, at the right place, at the right time, doing things for which they are economically most suitable”.
Decenzo and Robbins have defined HRP as “Specifically, human resource planning is the process by which an organisation ensures that it has the right number and kind of people, at the right place, at the right time, capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organisation achieve its overall objectives”.

Leap and Crino have defined HRP in the following manner: “Human resource planning includes the estimation how many qualified people are necessary to carry out the assigned activities, how many people will be available, and what, if anything must be done to ensure that personnel supply equals personnel demand at the appropriate point in the future.”

From the above definitions the following features of HRP can be identified.

1. HRP is a process which includes various aspects through which an organization tries to ensure that right people, at right place and at right time are available.

2. It involves determination of future needs of manpower in the light of organizational planning and structure. Determination of manpower needs in advance, facilitates managements to take up necessary actions.

3. It does take into account the manpower availability at a future point in the organization. Therefore, it indicates what actions can be taken to make existing manpower suitable for future managerial positions and how the gap between needed and available manpower can be fulfilled.
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