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Research Methodology - Data Collection & Sources Of Data

Summary of Data Collection & Sources Of Data

   Posted On :  20.05.2018 11:22 pm

There are two types of data, primary and secondary. Data which are collected first hand are called Primary data and data which have already been collected and used by somebody are called Secondary data.

There are two types of data, primary and secondary. Data which are collected first hand are called Primary data and data which have already been collected and used by somebody are called Secondary data. There are two methods of collecting data: (a) Survey method or total enumeration method and (b) Sample method. When a researcher goes for investigating all the units of the subject, it is called as survey method. On the other hand if he/she resorts to investigating only a few units of the subject and gives the result on the basis of that, it is known as sample survey method. There are different sources of collecting Primary and Secondary data. Some of the important sources of Primary data are—Direct Personal Interviews, Indirect Oral Interviews, Information from Correspondents, Mailed questionnaire method, Schedules sent through enumerators and so on. Though all these sources or methods of Primary data have their relative merits and demerits, a researcher should use a particular method with lot of care. There are basically two sources of collecting secondary data- (a) Published sources and (b) Unpublished sources. Published sources are like publications of different government and semi-government departments, research institutions and agencies etc. Whereas unpublished sources are like records maintained by different government departments and unpublished theses of different universities etc. Editing of secondary data is necessary for different purposes as – editing for completeness, editing for consistency, editing for accuracy and editing for homogeneity.
It is always a tough task for the researcher to choose between primary and secondary data. Though primary data are more authentic and accurate, time, money and labor involved in obtaining these more often prompt the researcher to go for the secondary data. There are certain amount of doubt about its authenticity and suitability, but after the arrival of many government and semi government agencies and some private institutions in the field of data collection, most of the apprehensions in the mind of the researcher have been removed.



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