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Research Methodology - Data Collection & Sources Of Data

Choice Between Primary and Secondary Data - Data Collection & Sources Of Data

   Posted On :  20.05.2018 11:21 pm

As we have already seen, there are a lot of differences in the methods of collecting Primary and Secondary data.

Choice Between Primary and Secondary Data:
As we have already seen, there are a lot of differences in the methods of collecting Primary and Secondary data. Primary data which is to be collected originally involves an entire scheme of plan starting with the definitions of various terms used, units to be employed, type of enquiry to be conducted, extent of accuracy aimed at etc. For the collection of secondary data, a mere compilation of the existing data would be sufficient. A proper choice between the type of data needed for any particular statistical investigation is to be made after taking into consideration the nature, objective and scope of the enquiry; the time and the finances at the disposal of the agency; the degree of precision aimed at and the status of the agency (whether government- state or central-or private institution of an individual).

In using the secondary data, it is best to obtain the data from the primary source as far as possible. By doing so, we would at least save ourselves from the errors of transcription which might have inadvertently crept in the secondary source. Moreover, the primary source will also provide us with detailed discussion about the terminology used, statistical units employed, size of the sample and the technique of sampling (if sampling method was used), methods of data collection and analysis of results and we can ascertain ourselves if these would suit our purpose.
Now-a-days in a large number of statistical enquiries, secondary data are generally used because fairly reliable published data on a large number of diverse fields are now available in the publications of governments, private organizations and research institutions, agencies, periodicals and magazines etc. In fact, primary data are collected only if there do not exist any secondary data suited to the investigation under study. In some of the investigations both primary as well as secondary data may be used.


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