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Research Methodology - Introduction

Different Types Of Sample Designs

   Posted On :  20.05.2018 10:41 pm

Sample designs may be classified into different categories based on two factors, namely, the representation basis and the element selection technique.

Different Types Of Sample Designs:
Sample designs may be classified into different categories based on two factors, namely, the representation basis and the element selection technique. Under the representation basis, the sample may be classified as:
I. Non-probability sampling 
II. Probability sampling
While probability sampling is based on random selection, the non-probability sampling is based on ‘non-random’ selection of samples.

Non-Probability Sampling:

Non-probability sampling is the sampling procedure that does not afford any basis for estimating the probability that each item in the population would have an equal chance of being included in the sample. Non-probability sampling is also known as deliberate sampling, judgment sampling and purposive sampling. Under this type of sampling, the items for the sample are deliberately chosen by the researcher; and his/her choice concerning the choice of items remains supreme. In other words, under non-probability sampling the researchers select a particular unit of the universe for forming a sample on the basis that the small number that is thus selected out of a huge one would be typical or representative of the whole population. For example, to study the economic conditions of people living in a state, a few towns or village may be purposively selected for an intensive study based on the principle that they are representative of the entire state. In such a case, the judgment of the researcher of the study assumes prime importance in this sampling design.

Quota Sampling:

Quota sampling is also an example of non-probability sampling. Under this sampling, the researchers simply assume quotas to be filled from different strata, with certain restrictions imposed on how they should be selected. This type of sampling is very convenient and is relatively less expensive. However, the samples selected using this method certainly do not satisfy the characteristics of random samples. They are essentially judgment samples and inferences drawn based on that, would not be amenable to statistical treatment in a formal way.

Probability Sampling:

Probability sampling is also known as ‘choice sampling’ or ‘random sampling’. Under this sampling design, every item of the universe has an equal chance of being included in the sample. In a way, it is a lottery method under which individual units are selected from the whole group, not deliberately, but by using some mechanical process. Therefore, only chance would determine whether an item or the other would be included in the sample or not. The results obtained from probability or random sampling would be assured in terms of probability. That is, the researcher can measure the errors of estimation or the significance of results obtained from the random sample. This is the superiority of random sampling design over the deliberate sampling design. Random sampling satisfies the law of statistical regularity, according to which if on an average the sample chosen is random, then it would have the same composition and characteristics of the universe. This is the reason why the random sampling method is considered the best technique of choosing a representative sample.
The following are the implications of the random sampling:

1. it provides each element in the population an equal probable chance of being chosen in the sample, with all choices being independent of one another and

2. it offers each possible sample combination an equal probable opportunity of being selected.


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